Chapter 98

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Okay, so before we being, this chapter is a little strange, but it will all become clear soon! In the video box, there is a loop of the song that I'll be talking about in this chappy, so you can play that while you read after the scene in the Farplane(I was listening to it when I was writing, and it's really nice background noise), but when 'you' are actually having the dream, if you want to get the full experience, then I'll put a link in the comment section below with the original version of the song with the orchestra.

If you read the few paragraphs with just the right tempo, the music will kick up right when the action starts, and it's actually pretty cool. After the scene though, you can just play the loop that's up in the video box for the rest of the chapter.

Comment and enjoy~~!


You learned from your talk with Tifa and Yuffie that the fight in the plains had happened two days ago, and that you had been asleep from the moment Sephiroth left. You checked your phone and saw that it was around 4 a.m., but you weren’t sure how much you could trust it. The screen was cracked and flashed green and gray from water damage, so for all you knew it could be 10 p.m. or noon. You didn’t feel very tired anymore, so you decided to get up. If it was early in the morning, it would give you some time to yourself, and if it was later you could check up on everyone. You decided the only way to check was to go out and see, mostly because you were bored.

You walked around the strange looking tree building and decided it was too loud and creaky to be walking around inside. There were no lights on, and no people in the halls, so you decided that maybe it really was early in the morning. You managed to find a staircase, and decided to go up them to the large door at the top. It looked like a good enough place to go through, exit or not. You poked your head in, and saw a familiar room with a table in the center that was covered in fruit. It was the room in that mansion you had come to when the trip first started. Now that you knew where you were, you knew where to go to get out. You walked through the hall and out the double doors that led to the main exit.

You made it outside and into the open, though you were a little disappointed by the lack of fresh air you got from stepping outside. It was strange to see the town at night, the lights had ben dimmed, and everything was quiet. It was beautiful, but it was completely void of people. It was kind of creepy being the only one out so late at night, but it was also strangely calming.
You were barefoot, so walking on the tree roots wasn’t exactly comfortable, but it was preferable to the hard Lyrium shoes, so you decided you were okay with it.

There were glowing specks in the roots, and you guessed they were made from the same kind of thing as the trees in Macalania Woods. Maybe it had something to do with the Farplane, the source of the glow coming from the top of the tree. You decided to go up there, the soft glow making you want to see it again. You wondered if anyone had told Ichigo about it. If he did know, he would probably be up there, regardless of the time, and if he didn’t know, maybe you could show him as a way of thanking him for saving you. You heard that he was back with the group, and you figured he was the one who save you from Sephiroth, though you hadn’t asked him about it yet. You hadn’t even seen him yet, or Reno, or Selphie.

By now, you were at the entrance to the Farplane, and the large orb of light enticed you. You walking into the globe and sighed, admiring the beauty of the scene around you. Pyreflies would come together and form the image of a grand meadow overlooking a waterfall, where the sun seemed to be in a perpetual state of sunset. It was comforting to look out at the sun, and stand in the flower while knowing this was like a cemetery. It was bright, and filled with flowers and water, but somehow it felt sinister to you. The sounds were strange, and it made you uncomfortable. The floor was covered with flowers, but you could feel that you were still walking on the roots and stems one the ground as though nothing really changed at all.

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