Chapter 122

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So, wattpad changed their 100 chapter limit thingy, so I really thought it'd be better to keep everything in one place. From now on, I'll be continuing the story here instead of in the 'new book' that I had made. I wont delete those chapters, but I probably wont be updating on that 'story' anymore, because I'll just be doing it here.

If you're up to date with all my updates, then you can probably just ignore these posts, but if this is just the next chapter for you, then go ahead an ignore everything said above, and pretend like there never even was a 'new book' to being with. xD

Getting on with the chapter...It's a very Ven-centric chappy, but he won the dance poll, so I guess you guys wanted it this way. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoy! =3


It had been a little over a month since your first day at school, and everything had been smooth sailing. Classes were going fine, you were all caught up on your missing work, your parents came back from the honeymoon and now you had real food around, and you had finally begun to understand what was going on in your physics class (pfft, yeah right). 

The dance was friday, and you still had to make more preparations than you thought you could possibly handle, but hopefully Riku could help you and you could keep Zack from ruining it. 

"Get up, lazy ass. I told you to get out of bed, like, 10 minutes ago." Renee growled at you from the doorway. 

"I heard you the first time..."

"So get up..."

"Ughghghgghgh." You sighed as you sat up. 

"Good. I'll get the waffles going." She said, pulling her hair into a ponytail before closing the door and walking away. She was already dressed and ready to go; she liked to get up early and do her homework before school, so she always woke you up, put the eggo waffles in the toaster, and then went to check on Ichigo and make sure he got up, make sure you were progressing, then get the food. 

You got out of bed and yawned, finding it hard to keep upright. You had laid out a fresh uniform shirt and skirt to wear the night before, so all you really had to do was change. Deciding you were too comfy in your pj's, you grabbed the hairbrush off your dresser and walked over to the window. 

Riku was sitting at his desk, doing his homework like he always did on game days, and you hopped onto the tree branches over to his already opened window.

"Morning, prez." He said, handing you a cup of coffee that had been sitting next to his own mug. He learned quickly from your morning visits that you would steal his, and eventually began to make two cups. He even learned how much sugar and cream you liked in it. 

"Good morning. Did you get the fundraiser report from Queen verified yet?" You asked, taking the cup happily and sipping as he nodded and began moving papers on his desk to find what you were asking for. You told him on Friday to get Queen, the treasurer, to give him an update on how much money the fundraiser of the student council selling flowers and dance date inquiries had made.

"Yeah, she only got it to me on Monday, but you just had to have it by today, didn't you? Do you know how hard it was to get Saix to check what the amount of money was?"

"Do you know how much I love you?" You asked and he rolled his eyes as you checked the report. "Are you sure this is accurate?" 

"Who do you think you're talking to?" 

You grinned, knowing that Queen had counted, then Riku counted, then Saix counted, then Riku counted again, and they came up with the same amount of revenue all four times. "This is more than twice what I thought it would be." 

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