Chapter 139

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"You met who?" Sora blurted, the pizza he had just taken a bite of hanging out his mouth slightly.

"Are...are you okay? What happened, exactly?" Roxas asked, sitting up from where he was loafing on the couch to give you his full attention.

"He's an asshole, that's what happened. I mean, I knew that already, but damn." You sighed, crossing your arms over your chest. You were still fuming mad.

"Why did you see him?" Riku asked, walking over and pulling you away from the door and towards the couch.

"Vayne asked me to go, so I did, and it was horrible. I was there less than ten minutes, and I am furious! I...I have to go talk to Zack, and Vanitas. Oh god, Vanitas...This is never going to work. If he thinks he's going to get a symbol out of Vanitas then he has another thing coming!" You struck your fist against your open palm as the idea struck you.

"≈≈≈≈≈≈≈?" Axel eyed you with a confused look. They were all giving you that look, actually.

"I have to go." You said excitedly, wiggling out of Riku's grasp and heading back out into the hall. From there you made your way to Vanitas' door, and began  knocking rapidly on the door so he would get too annoyed to ignore you. "Come on, I know you're in there." You said, still beating your hand against the door. After a few minutes of this, you sighed and decided you would just tell him later and go and see Zack now instead. You turned on your heel, and into Vanitas chest. He must have 'portaled' himself outside of the room and snuck up behind you.

"Whatcha doing there?" He asked, irritation evident in his voice.

"You could have just answered the door." You shot back.

"I wanted to see how long you would keep that shit up before you realized I'd kill you." He had obviously been napping, and looked pissed to have been woken up. He then paused and smelled the air, "Is that...Is that pizza? Are you having a pizza party without me?" His hands balled up into fists.  

"No one is having a pizza party, come on, focus." You sighed, but he scowled at you and then disappeared into a portal. You groaned loudly as he left, and you felt like punching something. Someone. Him.

"Ey! What the fuck is this?" Vanitas walked out of your door on the other side of the hall with the pizza box the boys were eating.

"Roxas got that, I had nothing to do with it." You shot back.

"You lying cunt!" He snapped, dropping the pizza box and lurching forward like he was going to sprint at you, tackle you, and kill you. Over a pizza that wasn't even yours.

"Vanitas!"  You warned as he got closer.

"You better run bitch!" He growled as he got closer. You were having a hard time telling how serious he was right now, and decided that you maybe didn't want to find out by having him knock your ass onto the ground. You threw your hands out in front of you and tried using some time magic. You weren't the best at time magic, but what the hell? Who better to experiment on than the asshole threatening to kill you over a pizza. "Stop!" You called out, and a shock wave of energy shot out from your palms, stopping Vanitas dead in his tracks. You were freaked out by how strong the spell seemed to be, especially considering how new you were to that kind of magic. Your stop spells were normally more like really strong slow spell, but this time he really did seem rooted on one foot, mid stride, completely stuck. You would have been more concerned if the look on his face wasn't so funny to you at the moment. You decided to fuck with him a little, and turned him so that instead of running down the hall, he was going to unfreeze and run into the wall.

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