Chapter 141

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Surprise, bitch. I bet you thought you'd seen the last of (this story) me. ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

Well, keep your shirt on. Don't get too excited, this is just a little mini chapter I whipped up for you guys after realized it's literally been about two years since I've touched this story. And that's a little but unforgivable, since this story is not dead and I do want to continue it, but the rewrite is taking forever. Anyway, happy early Christmas from me! My gift to you is an update you probably neither wanted nor expected, and as a special treat it's only 20 pages compared to my normal marathon chapters so you don't even have to quit your job to get it all read! 

Thanks for sticking with me and this story all these years. 


The night had been so full of twists and betrayals that you were getting tired of everything. Tired of feeling guilty, scared, and angry, tired of the sick feeling that was living in the pit of your stomach, and especially tired of fighting the urge to march back to the ShinRa towers and give Ven a piece of your mind or a punch to the teeth.

Everything today just seemed to happen at a mile a minute, and you couldn't make sense of any of it. Even getting from Lazard's office to Vayne's ship seemed to take no time at all. But now you were laying back on a couch, just waiting for everyone else on this mission to get there, and it seemed like time was standing still. It was giving you too much time to think. You hated having too much time to think.

You weren't the only one feeling this way, either. Vanitas sat on the clinic examination table, still rooted there trying to recover from your outburst that happened there less than an hour ago, watching Ven pace back and forth.

"Is there something wrong with me?" Ven spoke up for the first time since you left the room. He sounded pretty glum, but not exactly as upset as Vanitas expected him to be.

"You're a lying idiot. That's pretty frowned upon, generally." He shrugged, thinking Ven should have known better than to ask him that question.

"I know, but really. I think I have some underlying personality defect or something." He ran a hand through his hair and ruffled it up a bit absently.

"Well, you do seem pretty calm for someone who just got chewed out."

"I guess." Ven shrugged numbly, "I dunno. It's a little hard to be upset when I knew this was coming."

"You knew this was coming? Coulda warned me." Vanitas rubbed the back of his neck, part of him worried that you were going to be pissed at him as well simply for being the messenger. You did look like you were in a messenger-shooting mood when he last saw you, after all.

"Well, I didn't see this happening tonight, know. I knew something was coming. I was happy. I tend to sabotage that as quickly as possible. I mean, you may have started it, but boy did I finish it. It's like I'm haunted."

"Haunted?" Vanitas laughed.

"Yeah, by the ghost of 'I fucked up,' the ghost of 'I'm currently fucking up,' and the ghost of 'I'm probably going to fuck up in the future.' It's relentless."

"You certainly do ask for it sometimes. I can't believe you told her you forgot." Vanitas shook his head. Truth be told, he had forgotten, too, but that wasn't exactly something you throw in someone's face. Especially not in the middle of an argument.

"What?" He gave a soft sigh, "I did forget. Renee is alive as far as we know, so it's not like I've been holding onto her memory like ≈≈≈≈≈≈ has." Ven shrugged, stopping his pacing and sitting on the examination table opposite Vanitas, "But come on. She's not mad about Renee."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2017 ⏰

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