Your Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts/Others Experience (Part 57)

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Running along the paths of the park at the dead of night, the chilly October air nipping at you as you went, you decided this was a bad idea. Maybe not bad...but stupid. Defiantly stupid. Your shock factor had run out and you were beginning to come down from your adrenalin high. Just as you were trying to decide whether or not to stop, nature decided for you. You tripped over a tree root and smacked your chin into the ground, splashing fresh dirt up into your face as it began to lightly rain.

With a groan, you pushed yourself up, sitting on your butt in the dirt, trying to collect yourself. You were very confused, emotionally unstable, and tired.Your gut was screaming that something was wrong, but you felt that the problem wasn't Ichigo. You sighed, got to your feet, and looked around. You didn't see him following you anymore. You didn't know if that was good or bad.

The wind blew, sprinkling drops of rain in your face and your hair slapped and stuck to you as you began walking again, this time heading for a bench you saw a few feet away. You sat on the table top, your feet on the bench, hugging yourself as you tried to clean up your face a little bit with your shirt. You cursed at yourself for leaving your phone on the nightstand in the room; if you had it, you could call Cloud, find out where the hotel he was staying at was, then hide away with your friends, listening to Sora's imagination get the better of him, Roxas and Riku poking holes in his theories, Yuffie standing up for him, then Axel and Reno would say that they hated the idea just because she was for it. Then, when everyone finally got tired, Demyx would come in playing slow songs to help but everyone to sleep. The last two to shut up would be Zack and Gippal, most likely arguing about who got to sleep where. You chuckled slightly, you had become so accustom to being around all the crazies that you were starting to act the same way. You dropped your head down, resting your chin on your knee, drawing your arms in under you, trying to keep them warm and away from the biting cold.

Something warm dropped over you, and you smiled slightly.

"Found me." You joked, sitting up and sticking your arms through the shirt that he had placed over you. He was wearing two shirts—a long sleeved shirt with a shot sleeve on over top—and dropped the top shirt on you. You bundled your arms up in it and looked aver at him.

"Found you." He agreed, sitting beside you. A silence drifted between you. "You'll catch a cold out here in the rain." He finally said.

"The cold already caught me." You argued and he sighed at you.

"Why are you fighting me?"

"Why aren't you telling me what's going on?"

Another silence fell. This time you sighed, leaning over and resting your head on his shoulder. He put an arm around you, trying to warm you up some, as he looked down at you.

"You're all kinds of stupid, you know that? What were you thinking, jumping out of the window like that."

"You jumped out after me, you are just as bad."

"Why couldn't you have just sat down and talked to me?"

"We're talking now...See how many answer I have?"

He got quiet again, so you turned your attention to the park around you. The rain had lightened to a measly drizzle, but the wind was still something terrible. Golden leaves were forced from the trees as the wind ravaged them.

"Why did you run away?" He mused, "You never run."

You could tell right away what he was thinking. As little kids, none of the girls in class would have much to do with you, so you learned things from the best examples you had; your brother and other words, like a boy. Whenever anyone would try to pick on Ichigo for one reason or another, if he couldn't handle it on his own, you would fly in fists a-blazing. Normally your first instinct would be to fight. Stand up, pull out your fists, and go to town until the job was done. But tonight you stopped fighting, and just ran away.

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