Chapter 92

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Lavi had gone off to the kitchen to make breakfast, both for you and everyone else, when they finally woke up. He said he was going to make something fancy, and that it would take a while, so you decided that maybe you would just go to bed. It was 6:30 in the morning, so you thought maybe you could get in at least another hour.

After your short nap, it was 8, and you decided to get up. You wandered out into the lobby and picked out that filer you were looking at earlier. The job was indoors and inside Macalania Temple, so you seriously doubted there would be any fighting, something you would be rather happy about. The only thing you needed was someone to come with you, as it was a job for two.

You walked back to the kitchen to ask Lavi if he wanted to go.

“Are you allowed to leave yet?”

“Nah, Allen and I are stuck here until tomorrow, then we are going to switch off with someone. Maybe you. You need to stay put for a day or two.”

“Forget that. Do you think Sora or Riku are ready for any jobs?”

He paused, “I…don’t think that’s a very good idea.”

“What about Zero? Or Gippal?”

“Well, with the sun out,” he peeked out the window, and you did too. It was strange to see the plains in anything but a tempest of wind and rain, “the two of them should be able to check the towers with no  trouble. It’s probably too good of an opportunity to pass up.”

You sighed, “Fine, I guess that leaves Ichigo and Ven.”

“Ehhhhh….” Lavi shook his head.

“Ehh?” You repeated his gesture, but with a questioning tone.

“Last I heard, Venven is in a bit of a mood.”

“Well, I was hoping to avoid it for fear of Kon, but I guess I’ll just ask Ichigo.” You sighed, taking another look at the flier. You didn’t need to leave until around 9:30, so you would just have to keep busy until then.

“So, how much longer?” you asked, peering over his shoulder into the pan he was cooking omelets in.

“Would you get out of here?” He swatted you back from breathing down his neck as he was cooking. “Should be about 15 minutes.”

“Aw…” You complained and he rolled his eyes.

“Why don’t you go see if there is anyone else up and ready for breaky?”

“Fine, fine.” You sighed, walking back into the hall and over to Gippal’s door, the first one on your way back into the hall.

You pressed your ear to the door, and chuckled. All you could hear were the sound of him snoring like a chainsaw. You decided to just let him sleep, and went to Sora’s door.

You couldn’t hear anything in there, but that didn’t necessarily mean he wasn’t up. You decided to go in anyway, mostly just wanting to see him. You tried the door, hoping it was open, if it wasn’t, you had a spare behind the desk, so it really didn’t matter. Luckily for you, it was open. You slipped in, and took a look around. The curtain was drawn, so the room was particularly dark. Sora was in bed, his head was under the pillow, and he was mumbling slightly.

You thought about waking him up, you really wanted to see him. When he came in the day before, he went straight to bed. You knew he had a pretty bad concussion, and with Ven and Lulu taking all their time to fuss over you and Riku, no one got to looking at him. ‘Wait, Riku!’ You thought, turning and leaving the room and heading for Riku’s.

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