Chapter 2- Resist (Part 2)

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(I promise, the rest of the book doesn't change POV this much :))

3rd person
Deku locked himself in a bathroom stall, praying no one else would come in. He wasn't in control of himself. His eyes were fully red, a sign of his blood crazy state. And his fangs were fully out, about a centimeter long, and brilliant white.

Deku's POV
I can barely see straight, and I'm out of breath. I sit down on the floor and rip into the lunchbox I grabbed from my locker, acting purely on instinct. I throw out all of the cold packs and tear into the meat. My sharp fangs easily shred the steak and deer meat. I ate so fast I nearly choked. I proceed to gulp down the watery cow blood. I shiver in response to the cold blood sliding down my throat. It always takes a second for me to return to normal. My body still craves human blood and it takes a while to process what, apparently, I am not meant to have. I always have to focus to keep it in long enough for my body not to reject it. After a few minutes I should feel my eyes turning back to normal.

Bakugo's POV
I walk through the halls looking for stupid Deku. I'm moving quickly. It's not like I am worried or anything. I just want to know why he ran off like that. And what was wrong with his eyes. I am loud all the time, and sure I make him flinch from time to time, but I've never scared him... I don't think so. And the blood... You can't scare someone into bleeding right?

Who cares? I just want the extras to stop bothering me. And his bag is heavy. What does he keep in there anyways? And where the hell is he? I've been all through the halls.

Whatever. I'm just going to leave his bag by his locker and go to lunch. I'm starving.

Deku's POV
I'm starving! It's been long enough and my body isn't even rejecting it anymore. So why am I still this hungry? Was it not enough? I feel a little better but I can't risk leaving yet. Maybe I can stay in here until school lets out?

No, everyone would look for me at the dorm and question where I was when I got there. I can't be in a room with that many people right now.

Oh! I have some blood vials in my bag. I look around. In my haste I spilled a little blood. I can also feel it dripping off of my chin onto my uniform. Damn. I'll say I had a nose bleed. But that isn't the problem I'm worried about. I don't have my bag. Which means I left it in the classroom.

I curl into a ball in the back corner of the stall.

Being found here terrifies me. I've been in some not so great situations before, but never like this. I'm totally stuck. If people find out... there's too many possibilities of things that could happen. And most of them aren't pleasant in the slightest. I hate living like this. I feel the familiar cool tears running down my hot cheeks, and dripping onto the floor. What am I going to do now?

Bakugo's POV
What am I going to do now? His locker is wide open. That's definitely not like him. He's forgetful, but not this much. As stupid as he is, he's also a crazy smart nerd. Is something wrong with him?

I walk closer. There is blood by his locker, and the lock, it wasn't opened? It was shattered. What the hell? There is a clear trail of blood drops every few feet. I rush to follow it. I am now running down the hall towards the bathroom, I guess. I still don't care about him. Everyone will just blame me for whatever is going on, and I just wanna eat lunch.

Deku's POV
Just as I am considering licking the runny blood puddle off the grimy and surly disgusting bathroom floor, somehow, the warm scent of red caramel and campfire smoke finds me; faint at first then a bit stronger.

My head throbs more and more as my nose takes in the smell, causing my thoughts to become foggy and distorted.

Even at a time like this, his scent still finds me.

Hunger - (Vampire Deku, Bakudeku) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now