Chapter 67- Secrets

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Deku's POV
Me and Kacchan walk back to the staircase in silence. It feels weird to return so soon after storming away, but I just feel like I need to move around. For some reason the idea of sitting still bothers me even more.

We arrive at the top, and a thought crosses my mind. I really did almost attack Kaminari. And Zayyan too. And both times, it was because they did something that effected Kacchan.

I think I've been hearing that voice again all day. I just... couldn't realize it. Or maybe, I just didn't want to.

Either way, with this realization, I suddenly feel really fragile. But I can't break right now. Not with Zayyan here. And if I did end up doing something like attacking someone-

I don't even want to think about the consequences of that. I cause enough trouble as it is. And then I would have to tell Kacchan about the... voice.

Is it a voice? Or is it just me having dark thoughts? I don't think I could think of something so terrible, and the last thing I want to do is hurt someone. So it can't be me. It isn't me.

Still, I'm really anxious today, and stress seems to set it off. So...

"Hey, Kacchan?" I grab hold if his wrist gently, stopping him from going any further.

"Yeah? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine!" I smile, "I just... I just don't think it's a good idea to leave Zayyan alone."

He looks at me slightly disappointed.

"You don't want me to go with you?" He asks. I'm afraid if someone were to do something to Kacchan right now, or even speak to him, it would push me to a limit I've never reached before. This voice is kind of new, and I'm not sure how to handle it.

"I just don't know if he should be left unsupervised is all. But if you don't feel comfortable being alone with him, then I can-"

"No. I'll stay with the fucking brat. Just hurry. And, I don't know, scream if you need anything." I giggle, and nod. He hesitantly walks away back to my- er Zayyan's room.

I wonder why he hesitated.

Bakugo's POV
I hate this. As much as I don't want to leave Deku alone, I don't want to talk to that little asshole even more. What kind of fucking moron would threaten me? ME!? Did he forget I almost fractured his skull last time we fought?

And I don't understand. I thought he liked Deku. He's basically been ignoring me this whole time. Why would he talk to me, and not Deku?

And what the fuck could he want to talk about!? He thinks he can just walts right in here and start making threats and demands. Why the hell should I do anything he says?

But... if he could really put Deku in danger then I guess it couldn't hurt to listen to whatever bullshit he's gonna say.

Then again, if he does have the power to hurt him, then maybe I should just tell Deku what he said and kick him out or something.

But seeing as he told me to listen in order to keep Deku safe, I don't know that we would have time to get him a safe distance away from us quick enough.

"Ugh." I let out a loud sigh, preparing myself to be annoyed before I step into the room.

Zayyan hasn't moved from the spot on the floor where we left him for some reason.

Well, that is until I walk in. He sits up and crosses his legs, resting his face in both hands.

"Back already?" He smiles. I ignore his comment, and close the door, crossing my arms afterwards. "There's no need to scowl." His smile falls. "Ready to talk now?"

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