Chapter 43- Rage

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⚠️ slightly smutty?

Bakugo's POV
I wake up to the horrible sound of my alarm blaring. I've been waking up before the alarm for a week or so now, but I was really tired yesterday I must have slept like a log. And whenever I don't wake up before it goes off, Deku gets me up.

I shift around trying to remember where I am. Deku groans quietly, and I realize I'm holding onto him. I have my arms wrapped around his smaller frame, and I think he's sitting up, just like he was when I fell asleep. I'm still laying in his lap, too. I reach around him, and smack my alarm so it's quiet again.

I pull Deku down gently, so he's laying in front of me. I guess Deku was really tired too.

I just stare at him, admiring his beautiful eyelashes, long and feathery, and innocent freckles that always fade in the winter. They stand out against his skin no matter what. His fluffy green hair rests on his face, shielding his eyes from the sun light shining in. I can't believe I'd looked at him for so many years, but never saw this. He's so beautiful.

I tilt his head gently, peppering his face with light kisses, as if I were trying to kiss every one of his freckles. His nose wrinkles, as he starts to wake up. He's so fucking cute, it hurts.

His eyes open halfway to meet mine. He blushes a little, probably not expecting me to be this close to him first thing in the morning, but I like making him flustered, so I stay where I am. He closes his eyes again, allowing me to continue, his face still scrunched up. I move closer to him, pressing our bodies together, and just holding him. I love him so much, I never want to let go, but the alarm already went off, so if we don't get going, we're gonna be late. I wouldn't mind, but Deku probably will.

"Morning, Deku." I say, my voice more raspy than usual.

"Mmmh..." he groans, clearly annoyed that I woke him up. I hold back a laugh.

"Dekkuu," I say quietly stroking his hair, "it's time for school."

"...noo.." he complains, hugging me. I don't want to move! But he'll be so mad if we're late...

"We'll be late. Come on." I pull myself out of his grip. He scowls, but nods, and sits up again rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He glances down at the clock. It's 7:03am. He gasps.

"Oh my gosh! We're gonna be late!" He leaps out of bed tearing our of my room, and scampering down the hall. I laugh to myself, as I get out of bed. I change into a my last clean uniform. I really need to do laundry soon. I tame my messy hair, and brush my teeth, in no particular hurry.

"Come on, come on we gotta go!" Deku runs into my room, grabbing me by the sleeve and pulling me out of the room.

"Wait a fucking second!" I yell, and he halts. I walk back in and grab my bag he almost made me leave. He bounces up and down impatiently. My gaze lingers on him for maybe a second too long.

"W-what are you staring at, we gotta go." He pouts, looking down at his uniform to see if there was something on him. I smile at his angry, yet chilsish demeanour. I just... want to hold him. I walk towards him, completely taken over by the fuzzy feeling in my chest. I bend down to hug him, as tightly as I possibly can without hurting him.

"K-kacchan, I told you, we gotta go." He complains. I stroke his hair, ignoring him. He sighs.

"I love you." The words spill out without my permission. Saying it just feels so right. Deku stiffens, and stays silent. I would be lying to myself if I said it didn't sting a little bit when he didn't say it back, but that's not his fault.

I don't want him to feel like he has to say anything he doesn't mean. I want him to love me back, I really do. But it would be meaninglessness if he only started loving my for my sake. That is a very Deku thing to do; always worryingly about others, and never himself. I just want to love him unconditionally, and regardless of whether or not he ever loves me back.

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