Chapter 33- Time

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Bakugo's POV
I close the door, and walk quietly over to Shitty hair's room. I need to talk to him. And more than that, I just need to be away from Deku for a moment.

I knock on the door. "Oi, Shitty hair. You awake?" There was a long silence, before he slowly unlocked the door, and creaked it open.

"Bakubro?" He asks, his eyes half open, and his voice horse.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" I ask. He nods, stepping to the side to let me in. He yawns as he closes the door.

"Are you *yawn* alright?" He asks, groggily walking over to me, and sitting on his bed. I sit down as well, putting my head in my hands and letting out a deep sigh. "What's wrong?" His voice is now full of concern.

"I just..." I search for the right fraseing. "I like him so much." His eyes widen, and he stares at me, shocked.

Then he bursts into laughter, it's hardy song like quality ringing through the air. I glare at him. "Sorry, sorry." He chuckles, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "So what's the problem?" He leans back against his head board. I'm not sure how to answer. I mean, there are plenty of problems but I guess I'll start with the most pressing one.

"I want... to touch him." I answer. His laughter stops.

"Y-you do?"

"I don't want him to know I like him but I just can't stop myself!" I say, frustrated.

"Why can't he know?" He asks, confused.

"Because I... he would be weirded out."

"Really? He doesn't seem like the type." I mean, that's true. It's not like he would run away or anything.

"But things would change, wouldn't they?" I ask. He definitely wouldn't kiss me or anything if he thought it would lead me on.

"I mean maybe, but who knows. You don't think he likes you?" I contemplate for a moment.

If he was anyone else, I think it would be pretty obvious that he likes me. But he hasn't had any real friends except for Uraraka his whole life. And he's just a shy person. It's fun to embarrass him, but just because he gets fluttered easily, that doesn't mean he likes me.

"I don't think so." I answer.

"But you want him to like you, right?" He stretches his arms above his head.

"Yeah. No shit." I roll my eyes.

"So why not tell him?" I stare at him like he's stupid. Cuz he is. "Heh.. I'm just saying, if he knows you like him, he will think of you in a more romantic way. And you know, maybe start to like you."

"Maybe... but I don't know. It could just make him uncomfortable around me."

"Didn't you say... you guys kiss?" I turn my head away from him, but nod. He's never really had friends before, and we are kind of in a unique circumstance because of the memory erase. I still feel like I just met the real him, and he might feel the same. It's just affection in the form of hugging and kissing sometimes. Mostly because I don't know how to communicate with words very well... so yeah we kiss, but it's not really romantic.

"Yeah sometimes... but it's mostly cuz I want to, and he's too nice to say no." Though he did ask that one time, I kind of backed him into a corner. "I just want to kiss him all the time, and hug him, and he makes it so hard not to." I clench my fists. "He's so fucking... cute." I mumble the last word. Kirishima laughs, and leans closer to me, resting his head on his hand.

"What about him?" I can hear his dumb smile. I face him, surprised he actually cares. He always surprises me with how good of a friend he is.

"U-um his voice." I say.

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