Chapter 31- Pain

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Deku's POV
Kacchan nods, once again holding the blades edge to his palm. I scoot back so I am sitting with my back against the wall, trying to put as much distance between himself and me.

"Just so you know, if you ask me for blood, I won't give it to you." Then he did it. He made a small incision in his hand. He didn't wince, though in sure it hurt a little.

The increase in the strength and magnitude of his scent were almost immediate. I cover my mouth and nose with both hands, more as a reflex because my body reacted to the scent, then a precautionary measure, to stop myself from breathing it in.

My eyes are red, but that's okay. It's just me and him, so I don't have to try and control my appearance. I just need to focus all of my energy into not biting him.

The world being tinted red is something I hope I never have to get used to. I can feel his scent overwhelming my senses. Attacking me, spreading my legs, and pulling me towards him.

I slam my head against the wall behind me, forcing myself to stay in place. I won't have his blood. I can do this.

After a few minutes of desperate struggling, the scent seemed to become lighter. I could stay in place with only one hand over my mouth.

"Can you take more?" Kacchan spoke, breaking my furious concentration. It's so strange, I completely forgot he was standing there. I was thinking of him only as a source of blood. I hate the way my mind works when I'm- whatever this is. I feel disgusting and grimy all at once when I remember how ashamed I should be, how truly deplorable I am.

"I-I think so." I say. This is for Kacchan. And keeping him safe is worth suffering for a few minutes. I hurt him before, and he accepted it for me, so this is nothing.

"Okay." His tone is calm and sympathetic. He brings the knife to his palm, next to the cut he had made already, and let it sink into his skin, deeper then before this time. Blood escaped the cut now, flowing down his arm, and dripping onto the floor. "Shit. Uhh-" he panicked, looking for something to catch the blood. He settled on a empty glass he had sitting on his desk. He held his arm over it, letting the blood fall, and gather in a shallow pool inside.

I double over in pain. I've never had to ignore my hunger like this before. Even when I was really hungry, I've never had a meal layed out in front of me that I couldn't have. It feels like my stomach is trying to tear me apart. And I've gotten used to getting blood when I ask for it, having to control myself now is much harder than I thought it would be. I w1ant his blood dripping down my throat, finally quenching my thirst, and making me feel complete again.

I glance up at him, both arms wrapped tightly around my stomach, trying to ease the pain. My red eyes meet Kacchan's. He has worry etched into his usually calm or angry face. I try to picture Kacchan when he was little. And the way he cried. I don't want to see him like that again but... He takes a step towards me, probably trying to see if I'm okay. I try to tell him to get back but...

"Pleasssssebaack," my words slur into a loud hiss. Shocked, he stays frozen in place, then steps back, understanding what that meant.

My body starts convulsing and twitching, though I can mostly keep control of it. My eyes find the glass, still steadily filling with blood.

"" I say through gasps from the sharp pains I am now feeling throughout my whole body. Denying my instincts like this hurts so bad. My eyes have never burned this much, I feel like their going to pop out of my head. I feel so wrong. I have this strange anxiety looming over me. Fear for him, and myself maybe. I don't know. My mind fills with a fog, making me a little dizzy, and clouding my thoughts.

Hunger - (Vampire Deku, Bakudeku) DISCONTINUED Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora