Chapter 9- Fangs ⚠️

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⚠️very slight smut sort of

Deku's POV
I hated that I had to show him this side of me. I didn't want to see that look of shock and horror on his face ever again. It wouldn't last forever, and all I had to do was show him for a few seconds and we could go back to pretending none of this happened.

I looked away to release my fangs. It used to be difficult to keep them in, but I barely notice them anymore, unless I'm hungry. I focused and felt my gums tingle. My fangs came out. They were just two fangs that come out as my canines retract, about a centimeter and a half long. It's all one fluid exchange now, before it was a little difficult to make the fangs return to their original position.

I turned back to Kacchan. He leaned forward, rubbing his chin as he inspected me.

"Open." He instructed. Hesitantly, I opened my mouth, closing my eyes so I didn't have to see his reaction. After a short second, he, to my surprise, grabbed my chin and tilted my head all around, trying to look in my mouth. I felt pink painting itself across my face, and my eyes shot open to meet his.

"W-what are yo-" I was interrupted by Kacchan rubbing his thumb across my bottom teeth, he tilted my head upwards. I felt the pressure in my gums. It was such an odd sensation. "Kashan," I tried to say. He slid his thumb alongside my tongue. I had to be careful not to close my mouth on his thumb. I wasn't starving, but it's not like I wasn't hungry. The hunger is always there. I was fine, but tasting just a drop of his blood would be enough to make me want more. I tried to pull away safely.

"I'm not fucking done." He said. He continued feeling around my mouth.

"..uhat are youu ooing?" I did my best to say. He took his thumb out of my mouth, and put his pointer finger in instead, placing his other hand on my shoulder, to keep me in place, I assume. He started to press it into one of my fangs. What is he doing!? He pressed a little harder and started dragging his finger in slow, circular motions, across the tip of my fang.

"Kashann oop iit!" He just smirked. I didn't know my fangs were this sensitive. The pressure was odd, but... nice? I grabbed onto his arm with both hands, trying to lead it out of my mouth, to no avail. I couldn't think straight, my mind was wandering. I couldn't help but wonder how good it would feel to bite him. He was so warm, nothing like the cold raw meat I usually sink my teeth into. As he continued, drool started to drip out of my mouth. I wish I could remember what his blood tasted like. It was so long ago I can't begin to picture it. And he smelled so good. I don't know how to put it into words. Like, fire and sun, but also flowers? Really sweet like Caramel, too. He rubbed his finger across my tongue, covering it in saliva, then continued, letting it glide quicker over my fang. He kept applying light, then firm pressure. His quirk let him produce a nitroglycerin- like substance, which always made him smell really sweet. And red. He smelled red.

Shoot! I wasn't paying attention. I think I had begun making quiet noises. Did he notice? "Ka-ahh!" He pressed harder, and I interrupted myself with a weird noise. He's going to draw blood! Does he know how stupid he's being!? I looked into his eyes. He looked, amused? He was smiling. My face turned more red. I feel hungrier now. Was it because he was so close? Or because my fangs were out and being triggered?

He leaned in closer, near my ear, his scent shoving itself down my throat. My mouth watered more. "Are you hungry, Deku?" He whispered, I could hear his smile. I felt my leg twitch under me. All I could do was whine for him to stop. He pulled back, and after another second he pulled his hand back as well.

He grabbed his wallet and headed out the door. "I'll be back with some stuff for ya. Stay here nerd. You're in no condition to leave right now." He smirked a final time before he left, locking the door on the way.

I sat back on my heels and let my arms flop to my sides. What. Just. Happened. I don't know how long I sat there.

I took a moment to collect myself. I wipped my face off, and sat on Kacchan's bed. I replayed everything in my head a few times. And then. The anger set in.

Kacchan walked in not too long later. He brought with him 2 bags of meat. Steak and ground beef, I guessed by the smell. After he put the bags down on his desk and shut the door, he walked over to me.

I inhaled, "Kacchan do you know how dangerous that was! What if you had cut yourself on my fangs?! What if you made me hurt you?! That was stupid and careless and dumb and just, just.. bad!" I wagged my finger at him. He rolled his eyes and sat down in his chair.

"There's your food." He nodded his head to the bags.

"I told you! I can take care of myself. A-and I showed you my fangs, for more then a second! So-"

"I never said I wouldn't help if you showed me."


"I said show me your fangs or let me help you. I never said if you showed me, I wouldn't help, too." Was he serious!?


"Deku, I know you don't want me involved, but I already am. You're too fucking dumb to do all of this on your own. I'm helping." He wasn't laughing or smirking. He was seriously, and  looking honestly into my eyes. I didn't say anything. "You should eat now." He said and he opened up his notes and started reading over them.

I walked over and looked in the bag. He bought enough meat for a week! "Kacchan, this is too much. How much was it?"

"Don't worry about it nerd." I don't get it.

"Why are you helping me?" He tensed. He mumbled something to himself, too quiet for me to hear. "Kacchan?" I tilted my head to the side.

"I feel like it." He just said. He wasn't looking at me.

"...Kacchan." he looked to me out of the corner of his eyes. "You... hate me." I couldn't read his expression. If I had to guess I would say guilty?

"...I don't." What was he talking about? Of course he hates me. It's my fault he hates me so I don't really mind, but I just don't get why he's helping me.

"I guess I did before." I just stood there. "But I didn't really have a reason. You never did anything wrong." I looked down in shame. I did do something wrong. I shouldn't be around him. I'll just end up hurting him again. It was nice to feel like we were friends again, but I can't let myself hold onto false hope. I almost forgot, but now it's time to leave. I won't risk it. No matter how hard I try, I will always be a danger to him.

I grabbed the page of notes I copied down from his desk, and started out the door. "Thanks Kacchan." I didn't turn around to look at him.

A/n thanks for reading.

Too weird?

Hunger - (Vampire Deku, Bakudeku) DISCONTINUED Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora