Chapter 53- Tiles

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Deku's POV
It didn't take long to find Kacchan again, seeing as I can smell him any where. He's so funny when he sulks. He keeps scowling at the ground, and shoving past people in his way. If he keeps walking like this we're just going to go in a big circle.

"Kacchan. Stop running away from me."

"I'm not running from anyone." He slows down.

"Mmhmm, well the older heros are that way. Crimson riot is definitely more of a classic, so we should look there." I point behind us.

He doesn't say anything, he just turns around to follow my instructions. I try my best not to laugh at him. It will only make him more embarrassed.

We wander around until we find the Crimson riot section. Honestly I only come here for All Might stuff, which dominates most of the floor, so I haven't really looked for other hero things.

"Oooh how about this?" I hold up a Crimson riot mask to my face. Kacchan doesn't respond. He isn't even looking at me. Why is he being like this?

Bakugo's POV
Those two guys over there are totally staring at Deku. Mother fuckers. Fucking try it. Come over here. Try and get his phone number. Come on. Let's see what you got. I'm gonna wipe those dumb smiles right onto the floor by his feet. See if he gives you his number then.

"Kacchan..." as much as I'm definitely going to fuck them up if they come over here, I wish there was a better way to show them he's mine. Well... not mine. But he sure as fuck isn't theirs! "Kacchan!"

My eyes leave the two guys and flicker down to where Deku was pouting.

"You're ignoring me..." I drop the bags to the floor, drawing attention from the people standing next to us.

"Deku, hug me." I instruct, opening my arms.

"W-what? Isn't that a little..." he trails off, his shoulders rising to his ears as he grabbed his arm nervously. We've done worse. Whats the problem? He glances around to the few people looking at us.


Got it.

"Sorry. Never mind." I say, promptly scooping the bags back up. "Get the mask. And that figure too. Looks expensive."

"Okay..." he pick up the items, and holds them in his arms.

I keep forgetting. Just because I'm in love with him, that doesn't mean he feels the same. I guess it's weird to ask him to hug me? I don't really understand but whatever. Or maybe he's weirded out from before...

Either way, I don't decide what he does or doesn't do. Because as much as it hurts,

He isn't mine.

"You can look at the All Might stuff. I'm going to sit over there." I say, though I don't care to tell him where I'm going.

"...okay." I guess he doesn't care to know.

I find one of the many couches in the area, and sit down with a sigh. I watch the seemingly endless number of people passing by, coming and going. It's a lot busier up here. The rest of the mall was generally quiet. The hero floor always attracts the most customers. That's why I tend to avoid it.

This is so much harder than I thought it would be. I'm trying my best, but patience is not really one of my vast number of skills. I just want him to hurry up and like me. Waiting like this is so frustrating. But it's not like it's his fault.

He isn't mine.

I guess I will just have to remind myself of that until that fact changes. I may need Kirishima to beat it over my head with a rock, but I'll get there.

Hunger - (Vampire Deku, Bakudeku) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now