Chapter 13- Peace

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Bakugo's POV

Are you okay now?" I asked.

"Yeah... I'm okay."

"Deku..." He's staying quiet. I know he just went through a lot, but we really need to talk about this. He needs blood. I don't know if it would solve his condition, but it might help him stay in control. And it's a lot easier to get to him than raw meat.

"We really need to talk." He didn't move. Tch. I turned around to face him, his arms still wrapped around me. I looked down at him, and into his eyes. "Deku, I'm serious." He looked away before nodding and walking over to his bed to sit down. I sat down next to him.

"I'm sorry." He said. Did he still feel guilty? God damn it.

"I already told you everything is fine. Stop apologizing."

"...sure." he won't look at me. Instead he is looking at his balled up fists resting on his legs.

"I know you don't want my help Deku." No reaction, "But clearly you need it."

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do! What if I hadn't been here? What would you have done!?" He didn't speak. I sigh, "Are you still worried about hurting me?" I said a little softer. He tensed. "Deku, I'm fucking fine. Just a scratch."

"..." he mumbled something.


"I said it doesn't matter! I don't want to hurt you! Ever. I can't do that again!"

"Deku, what are you talking about? You've never hurt me." Can he please finally explain what the fuck he means.

"I hurt you." I wait for him to continue. "When we were kids."

"What are you talking about no yo-"

"I erased your memory." I felt my eyes widen. I forgot he could do that. I stayed quiet... What did he do?

"What happened?" I asked, not in an angry tone, just serious.

"..." I wait. "When we were younger, we were really good friends, remember?" I nodded.

Of course, we hung out all the time in that park by the school.

"After I disappeared, and came back, I was like this." He motioned to all of himself, then looked up at me. I nodded again, and he took a deep breath. "And when we were playing in the park, you hurt yourself really bad..." no surprise there. "And you messed up your leg really badly. There was blood everywhere... and I um... I licked it off." He turned a little red.

I couldn't imagine him doing that when we were kids, but I could imagine him doing it now with the way his features changed and matured, and the way he's shy and quiet but secretly unbelievably desperate. Him dragging his soft tongue up my leg slowly, making me shiver, then looking at me with his red, hunger driven eyes. His flushed face, asking me if he can have more... Fuck, focus Katsuki! "I healed you, But, um... after, I suddenly felt really hungry and I bit you. It's all kind of a blur, but you were crying." He looked sad now. "You said I was useless, you called me Deku, and said you never wanted to talk to me again... and that I was a monster." He looked like he was about to cry again.


"But then I erased your memory of it. It didn't matter though. You still hated me and even still called me Deku. And from then on... you know the rest." Honestly I can see 5 year old Katsuki acting just like that. I was scared and surprised. But that isn't me now.

I started laughing a little. He looked dumbfounded, and maybe a little offended. "Deku, I'm not 5 anymore. I'm sorry I said those things to you. But come on, you know me, I'm hard to get along with, and I make decisions too fast." He looked at me. "I bet if you had given me one day, I would have been right back to you, asking if you could teach me." I wish I could go back in time. He's been here thinking he was a monster, because of what I said when I was 5. If I had known that he was even more scared then I was...

"You don't.... hate me?" Deku says. His shoulders shake slightly, as he comes to terms with the realization; tears begin to well in his eyes.

"No Deku, and I don't think you're a monster." I pulled him into a hug and he cried into me. "You're such a crybaby," I said smiling to myself.

"I can't help it!" He shoves me away lightly; playfully, as if it were something he'd done time and time again. It felt natural.

We broke the hug and sat away from each other. He seemed better.

Deku's POV
I felt like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders. I cursed myself in my head for not telling him sooner. I felt like I could fly. The atmosphere was a lot lighter now.

"Wait, so Kacchan?"


"Are you really gay?" I finally got my mind in order and sorted through everything that happened today, and what he said before was really shocking. I would think that it was just part of the lie he made up if Kirishima hadn't reacted like he did. He didn't look surprised at all.

"You got a fucking problem with that nerd?" He was still smiling.

"No, no! I was just surprised is all!" I waved my hands in front of me apologetically. I played back all of the events of the past two days... me on top of him, me wrapping myself around him, and pressing my body into his... I turned bright red and felt my face heat up. Why was I embarrassed!? I'm not gay, he is so why is that so weird to think about?!

He laughed a little. It was nice to see him so happy. I haven't seen him smile this much in years. I couldn't help but hug him again. "I missed you." It felt so good when he lightly placed his hands on my back, not pushing me away. So much can change in two days.

"You better not erase my fucking memory again, Deku." I giggled.

"I won't, I promise," I say, still smiling contently.

"Or wait," he let go to look at me, "Should I call you Izuku now?" Hearing him say my name made my heart race.

"N-no. It's okay. It feels wrong, I don't mind you calling me Deku. It's just my name now. And only you call me that, so it's more special." I said. I didn't really mean to, I was just thinking out loud. I looked at his face, was he blushing?? No. Just my imagination.

"So, about the blood thing?" Right. Well practically speaking, it would be a lot easier. I could have food without buying it, or sneaking it in. And it would probably be more effective than animal blood. But at the same time, even if he is okay with it, I'm not sure if I want to bite him. But maybe I could finally stop craving him? Or it could make it worse, there are so many possibilities. What if it gives me more side effects? Or maybe it could get rid of them? What if I couldn't stop?

"You're mumbling, nerd." My thoughts were interrupted by Kacchan's voice. "Just think about it later and get back to me?"

"Yeah, okay." I nodded. I needed some time to think through it. The bell sounded, signaling to us that it was dinner time. Already? Kacchan stood up and put his hand out for me to grab. I did, and he pulled me to my feet.

"Want to pretend to eat with me?" He asked, still holding my hand. I nodded. I couldn't speak. He let go and walked out the door.

I was a little sad he let go for some reason.

Bakugo's POV
We walked down stairs and into the kitchen to make dinner. He went to the common area to sit down and I just made some chicken nuggets and a light salad. I didn't feel like making a big meal right now. All I've had today is a granola bar, but I didn't want to keep Deku waiting for long. I brought my plate of food out and scanned the room for Deku.

"Over here!" I heard Kirishima say. I turned my head to see Shitty hair and Round face at a table with Deku. I sat down next to Deku and started to eat. After a few minutes of small talk, Round face asked why Deku wasn't eating. I said he still didn't feel 100% and he didn't want to end up throwing up. I didn't want to hear the nerd trying to lie again. I put my arm around him, somewhat subconsciously. I just wanted him to know I was here for him, and he wasn't alone anymore. I felt him lean into me slightly. It was hardly noticeable, but I felt it.

It felt like I was forgetting something... was it important? Oh! Right. I looked around the room and found Todoroki, who was undoubtedly staring at me

I was almost smiling already. We locked eyes, and I pulled one of the best smirks of my life. Damn, that felt good.

A/n thanks for reading.

(Seriously. Thank you.)

Hunger - (Vampire Deku, Bakudeku) DISCONTINUED Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt