Chapter 3- Something Wrong

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Bakugo's POV
Suddenly he let's go of my arm and jumps off of me. I flip myself over to grab him again, but he's too fast. He dives to the floor, sliding and screeching towards his bag. He grabs onto it, but his momentum hurls him into the bathroom sinks, and despite his effort to stop, his head creates a loud slam as it makes contact with the concrete countertop. In a blind rage he opens his bag and basically rips it in half. He looks like a wild animal. I slide myself back, more because of confusion than fear. He searches through the shreds until he finds what looks like 3 viles. I just sit, dumbfounded, on the floor watching as he tears the tops off of the viles and pours a red liquid down his throat, some of it spilling out of his mouth and dripping onto his shirt.

Deku's POV
Hearing Kacchan's stutter brought me back to reality. It reminded me of back then. Thank god. I've never been so close to biting someone. I haven't even been that close to him in years. He was so warm, and he was tensing trying to keep me in place. I could sense his heart pumping harder and his blood flowing faster through him. It felt like his scent violated my whole body. My vision is so blurry now, and it feels like my head is miles under water.

I drink the blood I had in my bag and as I do, I look over at Kacchan. I watch his face go pale and his eyes widen. I just stare at him as I gulp down the last bit of blood from the viles. Luckily, dear blood is easier to digest and it works faster than cow blood. I would buy more if it wasn't so expensive. I back up, trying to put some distance between myself and Kacchan, and to give my body time to accept the blood. I hunch over, breathing heavily.

Bakugo's POV
"Deku?" I say. I can't even think of what question to ask. What the hell was I looking at? He just drank blood. It must have been blood. So why were there ice packs on the floor? And his locker? And whose blood was it? I look into his now red eyes in confusion.

"....I need.... second... please.." He says, panting between each word. I shift my weight to sit more comfortably, and wait for him to speak.

Deku's POV
What am I going to do? I can't explain any of this. I could erase his memory but I would have to wait until night. All hell could break loose in that time. Is he going to tell the school, or worse the authorities? I can't erase that many people's memories. Not to mention it would be draining and I don't know how much I would have to eat to recover from it. I can't exactly tell him though.

"MONSTER!" flashes through my mind. Shoot.. I need to tell him something that satisfies him, but I can't tell him too much. I could lie? I've never been very good at lying. I can keep secrets, but ask me to lie about them? Forget it.

I feel my eyes turn back to normal and in another minute, my breathing slows. Good. At least I didn't hurt him. That's the only thing that matters.

"Okay. I feel better now." I say. Whatever happens, happens. I need to think of something, but I can't just keep standing here.

Kacchan starts to stand up, to come over to me I'm sure. "Wait!" I say. He stops, looking up at me with a slightly offended expression. He probably doesn't want me to tell him what to do. "Stay over there, please?" I ask.

Bakugo's POV
Tch. I don't know what's going on, but if this nerd thinks he can tell me what to do now, he is sorely mistaken.

I stand, and walk over to Deku. He looks like he is back to normal. He peers at me nervously, waving his hands in front of him, clearly motioning for me to stay away. I grab his wrist and hold it next to his head. I stand with one leg in between his.

"I'm going to stand where the hell I want." I say, simply informing him of a fact. There was too much going on to be angry. "Deku, what is going on?" I ask calmly.

Deku's POV
Forget what he smells like. I haven't been this close to him in years. I can barley think straight. I feel my face go a bit red as I avoid his eyes. It felt like he was seeing right through me. How am I supposed to think of an answer when he's this close?!

"W-what do you mean Kacchan?" I say, trying to laugh it off. No way he's gonna move on from this.

"Deku." He says. I met his gaze. He looks... concerned?

He's worried.

"I-" I want to tell him everything here and now. Seeing him worried for me made me think of all of the sweet memories we had as kids. But.... I can't. "Kacchan, I'm sorry." I feel tears start to flow down my face. "I-I'm sorry I pushed you, and I'm sorry I'm so weird." I start crying into my hands. After a few seconds I look up into his eyes again. "T-there's something wrong with me."

Bakugo's POV
We stood there for a long time. He just kept crying. I don't know what to say to him. Stupid nerd didn't say anything useful, but... I don't care. I can ask later. What should I do? "Deku, stop crying." I say. I've never been good at comforting people.

"I-I'm so sorry." He sobs. He seems like he wants to run. The warning bell rings, echoing loudly through the halls. Fuck, class. I grab his face with both hands. His eyes are green again, and he doesn't have fangs anymore, but he is still covered in blood.

"Go wash your face and take off your blazer." Luckily, he only got blood on his blazer. It looks like his button up is fine.

"B-but" he stutters. He closes his eyes, and it looks like he is about to start over again. He's so fucking dumb. We don't have time for this.

"Deku! We have to go to class now. Go wash your face and go to class. I will take care of everything here and I'll see you in class later." I say, a little louder. He stiffens and opens his eyes. He wasn't crying anymore. Finally. He doesn't say anything, and instead, he walks over to the sink. He starts washing his face.

I returned to the stall where I discovered him. This is a mess. Blood, backpack shreds, empty bags and vials, and ice packs all over the floor. I can't just put it in the trash, someone will find it. I gather the ice packs and put them in his lunch box. I assume that's where they came from. I also rinse out the empty vials, and put them in the box, under the ice packs, just in case someone looks in it. Deku finishes scrubbing the blood off of his face, and inspecting himself in the mirror. "Now go to class okay?" I ask rhetorically. It was really more of an instruction.

"Yeah, o-okay." He walks over to his shredded backpack and picks it up.

"No, Deku. Leave that here. Just take your lunch box. If anyone asks, we didn't meet up, alright?" I think I know what to do, but I don't know if Deku will go along with it.

"W-what? Why?" He asks. How can one person be so smart, and so dumb at the same time.

"Because, Deku, I was meant to bring you your bag and apologize for earlier. We wouldn't be able to explain how your bag got shredded if people think I gave it to you." I explain. He really needs to go. He's never late, people might be suspicious. "Now go to class and act like this never happened."

"All right..." He grabs his lunchbox and opens the bathroom door.

"And Deku?" He turns to look at me. "Sorry. For before." Then he leaves without saying a word.

A/n thanks for reading.

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