Chapter 72- Calm

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Bakugo's POV
No matter how much I tried to soothe him, he just wouldn't stop shaking.

He seemed to drift off for a brief moment, but now he's right back to sleeplessness. I'm gonna kill that little brat for making Deku worry so much.

Although... I don't really understand why Deku believed him. Or why he was so freaked out if it was only a joke. He hugged me like he really thought I was dead or something.

I'm sure he wasn't thinking clearly. He's been so stressed out lately. I... may have contributed to that stress a little.

Still... he said that he loves me. I wish I could understand what's going through his head.

"Can't sleep?" I ask very softly. After a short moment, he shakes his head no.

"N-no, I'm sorry." He whispers.

"You don't have to apologize."

A long silence passes while I try and figure out something helpful to say, but Deku speaks first.

"...I'm... sorry for yelling at you. I didn't mean to. I hate it when you're mad at me. I really hate it." The way his voice breaks, I can tell he's crying again.

"I shouldn't have yelled either. I'm not mad at you, I promise." He only continues to try and hold in his sobs while clinging to me. I never know what to do when he's crying.

"Why are you crying, baby?" I ask, sliding my hand up and down his back slowly.

"...D-did you just call me baby?" He tries and fails to stop himself from laughing.

"What's wrong with that?" I scowl at nothing in particular.

"That's awful! Baby? Bay-bee!? Noo, never say that word again." He sniffles and laughs more obviously, hugging me tighter.

"What about babe?" I ask, more than slightly offended, but happy he's laughing.

"That one's worse." He says flatly.

"Cutie?" I smile.

"Bleh, no." He pretends to throw up.

"What about angel?"

"Hmmm, nope."

"Like, come here angel." I say in a not at all serious, slightly seductive tone.

"No!" He laughs again.

I had to take a moment to actually think of more nicknames. Usually I'm so good at these.

"Um... maybe bunny?" I decided.

"That's creepy. Where did that even come from?" He loosens his grip on me ever so slightly.

"Cuz you're fluffy," I ruffle his hair, "and small."

"I'm not that small, Kacchan." He grumbles.

"Uh huh." I roll my eyes. "Okay what about, honey?"

"We're not a married couple in their thirties."

"This is impossible, you're too picky." I complain.

"I'm not picky, you're just giving me bad options." He shrugs.

I take another moment to think.

"How about-" I feel his small fingers press firmly against my lips as he covers my mouth with one of his hands.

"I like... the one you gave me before." He finally pulls away from me enough to look into my eyes. I remove his hand, but decide to keep holding it.

"Which one?" I ask, although I already know what he's talking about.

Hunger - (Vampire Deku, Bakudeku) DISCONTINUED Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora