Chapter 52- Transaction

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Deku's POV
"Kacchan, I don't want to wear girl pants. Can't we go somewhere else." I complain, tugging at his sleeve as he drags me through the store, admiring the seemingly endless amount of clothes.

He grabs a pair that were mostly mesh with only strips of black fabric, turning around and holding it up to my body. I cross my arms.

"Kacchan.." he tilts his head thinking. "Kacchan... hello...?" He decides he likes it, and throws it over his arm.

"They're just pants Deku. Who cares." He continues glancing around.

"You seem to care very much." I pout. "I don't want to." He finally listens to me, meeting my eyes. He frowns.

"Oh." He looks at the pants on his arm, and he hangs them back on the rack next to him. "Sorry," he puts his hands on my shoulders, "If you don't want to, you don't have to."

I look up into his puppy dog eyes, and sigh.

"I just don't get why you want me to..." he pulls me into a loose hug, stroking my arm with his thumb lovingly.

"You can wear whatever you want. I just think you look... good."

He thinks I look good? I feel blush spread over my face. I thought he was making fun of me wearing girl pants. They are really comfortable... more tight than I'm used to, but I don't dislike the feeling.

"Alright!" Were both started by a loud joyful voice. I jump a few feet back, looking at the same sales person from before. In her arms was a pile of clothes so high, she had to peak around the side of it to look at us. "I've found a few pairs that may be to your liking. I grabbed a few shorts as well. And there's a nice variety of colors in case you want to spice it up. I kept it mostly dark colors like maroon and some green, but we just got in some neon leggings that are great for running in cold weather."

"Thank you. But I don't think we'll actually be buying anything today." Kacchan says, and though he tries to hide it he's clearly disappointed.

"Umm d-did you say they're good for cold weather?" I ask.

"Why, yes!" She sings.

"Well... I guess it couldn't hurt to try some on." I glance up at Kacchan. He tried to contain his excitement, but a small smile sneaks onto his face.

"Wonderful! I'm sure you'll find something you like. And if we need more, just let me know! Go ahead and follow me back to the dressing room." She walks to the back of the shop, and Kacchan follows. I grab the pair he hung up a second ago. They actually didn't look that bad.

We follow the woman behind a curtain, and into the dressing area. It was really fancy. There were cushioned booths to sit on in the waiting area, and a ton of big changing stalls. They all had doors you slide rather than swing open, and the insides were nice too, with a seat in the corner and mirrors on two of the walls. They were pretty spacious, like a whole walk in closet of some kind. There was a rack built into the wall, were the woman started hanging the many garments she selected for me. On the opposite side, there was another large rack, separated into two parts by a small dividing wall.

"When you find ones you like, put them here," she jesters to the one on the left, "and ones that just aren't for you, here." She points to the other side.

"I'm going to go grab you gentlemen some water, but you can ring this bell if you need anything." She said, leaving the room with a smile.

Kacchan walked into the changing room with me.

"Nononono, you stay out there." I say while shoving him back out.


"You think I was gonna let you just watch me change? No way." I slide the door shut with a loud click.

Hunger - (Vampire Deku, Bakudeku) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now