Chapter 35- He Knows

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Bakugo's POV
I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL HIM. Shitty hair is standing in my way, firmly gripping my shoulders, trying and failing miserably, to get me to calm down. How fucking dare that Icy hot bastered! Deku must be so hurt. I hated it, but I thought they were friends before. What the fuck is that moron doing!? And why does he want to talk to Deku again? Maybe he's just mad about being rejected, but if it were me, even I wouldn't have done something like that, and that's saying something. I can't believe I'm letting him anywhere near Deku.

"Get the fuck off shitty hair!" I yell, shoving Kirishima back, he only moves a few feet, then stands his ground.

"Bakugo calm down. You can't get in any fights, you'll get expelled." He says, desperation clinging to each word.

"Forget being expelled! I'm about to go to fucking prison for this!" I yell stomping forward. Kirishima hardens his arms, and crosses them, shoving me back so hard I fall into my seat.

"He wants you to stay here! If you go fight him, you only going to hurt Midoriya!" His words sting.  I don't want to hurt him. He's probably already embarrassed enough, I don't want to make it worse but...

"What if he hurts him?" I ask, feeling defeated. Kirishima senses the change in me, and softens his tone a little.

"...He already did, man." He flops down into the chair next to me, where Deku was giggling only a few minutes ago. I look down into my hands. There's that feeling again, of absolute uselessness. I can't do anything for him. Anything I do right now will just hurt him.

Silence falls upon the class room. Some people stareing at me, some at the door, all of them horrified and in awe.

Deku won't forgive Todoroki for this. No way in hell. So what the fuck was the point of that? Kirishima is right. He already hurt Deku. If Icy hot wanted to be friends with him again, he wouldn't have done that. He's clearly given up on ever being close to Deku, so what could he possibly have to say to him. I feel so anxious.

"W-whats going on?" Uraraka's voice rings through the silence, breaking on the last word, as the tears she was holding in burst forth, and flow down her face. I don't know if it's because Todoroki used to be her friend or because Deku basically just got verbally abused in front of her. Honestly his words made me a little sick to my stomach.

Tsuyu rushes over, holding Uraraka in her arms and trying to calm her down.

"Well?" She asks again, to me and Kirishima this time. Before she was more wondering out loud in a sort of confused daze.

"Um T-todoroki, supposedly likes Midoriya. But he turned him down, and now he's mad or something." Kirishima is sure to leave out anything that would hint at Deku actually being gay or something. Deku is probably unsure right now, but thats no ones business but his. This was an answer to the whole class, not just Uraraka. Everyone is wondering what the fuck just happened and I think Kirishima is covering for Deku in a way.

Not like anything that dumb ice bitch said was true, but that doesn't stop people from speculating. I don't care if people know I'm gay. It's annoying, and some people can be jerks, but I can just punch them in the face. Deku might not feel the same way about that. And I don't think he's even sure about that right now.. He has other things to focus on. Kirishima's is great about this stuff. He's helped me out of plenty of weird situations that have to do with this, rather sensitive topic.

"T-that was horrible." Uraraka shudders. Some of the extras nod in agreement. 

"So wait, did you guys actually.." Mineta makes obscene gestures with his hands. Everyone glares at him and Mina slaps him on the back of the head.

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