Chapter 56- Then Don't

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Deku's POV
We layed together in peaceful quiet for a long while, till Kacchan's breathing was settled and both of our tears had dried. I knew it was getting close to the time we agreed to be downstairs for, and very slowly I started stirring.

Kacchan gave me a sudden tight squeeze.

"Do we have to?" He asked. I guess he caught on...

I laugh lightly, hugging him back. "Yes, we do. We promised."

"You promised..." he grumbles.

"I know I know. But it could be fun right?" He shakes his head no. "We haven't seen our classmates in ages, plus Kirishima and Ura will probably be down there, it will be nice."

"We see those extras everyday, why would I want to see them for longer than I already have to?" He says in a harsh, sarcastic tone.

"You can complain if you want to, but we are still going." I fake a stern tone. He finally releases me, only to gently push me off of the bed with a childish groan.

"Fine. Only cause you're cute." He follows after me, climbing out of bed while I stand up.

"Whatever it takes." I laugh, rolling my eyes playfully. I dramatically dust myself off and turn towards him with my hands on my hips, only to see him looking down at me with a... more than playful expression. "...What's that look for?"

"Nothing." He returns to his normal smile. "Let's go. Since you want to so badly."

"O-okay." I ignore his interesting tone, though it does make me feel a bit weary. The good kind. The excited kind.

We walk downstairs and over to where everyone was chatting and scrolling through the newest hits, Kacchan walking confidently behind me.

Geez, it's cold down here. Even more than usual because it's nighttime. Why did I agree to wear these ridiculous shorts?

"Hey, guys! You're just in time! We were thinking of a horror movie tonight. Whadya think?" Mina says, remote in hand.

"Noo! Mystery!" Kaminari protests.

"I think we should watch Striptease." Mineta states, smiling creepily, unsettling everyone in the room.

"Why are you even here?" Momo asked, with an exasperated sigh.

"Anyways," Mina ignores him, "What do you think, Midoriya?"

"M-me?" She nods. "Oh, um... well, if I were to pick, I would say, mystery?" I say now very aware of everyone looking at me.

"Yes! My man!" Kaminari says, and I giggle in response. In all honesty, I just don't want to be scared out of my mind later.

"Fine. Mystery it is. Everyone make your popcorn and choose a spot." Mina says, starting up the newest mystery movie on the list.

"Hey, Izu!" I hear Uraraka's voice and look down at the floor, where she sat next to Kirishima. "Ohh, I see someone went to-"

"Shhhh, Ura no one needs to know that." I say, knowing what she was going to say. She laughs at me.

"Fine. But wow," she hugs my right leg, "What I would give for legs like yours. You make the rest of us look bad." She rubs her face up and down on my thigh.

"Hey! Don't say that. You have a perfect body. You don't need to change anything at all." Kirishima chimes in, speaking in a serious tone, his arms crossed, and his face scrunched into a dissatisfied scowl.

She released my leg slowly.

"Kirishima, you're such a sweetheart!" Uraraka said before throwing herself onto Kirishima, hugging him tightly.

Hunger - (Vampire Deku, Bakudeku) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now