Chapter 59- Tomorrow

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Bakugo's POV (REWRITE)
Deku stares at me blankly, like a deer in the headlights.

Shit. I didn't mean to say that.

"Shit, sorry. Forget I said that." I say, turning my head, and physically pulling away from him.

Fuck fuck fuck, shit, fucking shit, moron, dumbass, idiot, shit for brains.... I curse myself in my head for letting those words fall out of my dumb mouth. Only a second later, I feel Deku's hand on mine, and glance over at him. His cheeks are dusted with a light pink, but besides that he has on his usual sweet smile.

"I-it's okay, we should talk about it." He reassures me. "Just give me a second, that was a little sudden." He laughs nervously.

He thinks for what feels like forever before he speaks again. The whole time I'm hoping for the best and preparing for the worst. At least he didn't run away. So already, things could have been worse. I know it's really sudden. I didn't even mean to ask. He was just being so... I don't know. And what he's wearing, and his general... face. Who wouldn't want to make him theirs?

"Kacchan," he says finally, "...I don't think we should date." He's already looking at me ready to apologize. I just smile my prepared smile at him.

"Yeah. I thought so." I voice my thoughts accidently.

"I-I'm sorry... I just think we should focus on training. And you know the whole Zayyan situation... I just want to be normal. You deserve someone normal..." He babbles. I ignore his last statement completely. I don't have time to get into all of that nonsense. We're going to be late. "I still um.. like you and everything, I just think it wouldn't be a good idea..."

I ruffle his hair, still trying my best to smile, despite the feeling of my heart sinking to my stomach.

"It's fine, Deku. I know." I stand up, and drag him to his feet. He looks at the ground, to ashamed to meet my eyes. "I'm not mad at you, so don't worry. That was really sudden, I know it wasn't fair of me to ask." He nods his head, and I turn to walk away, refusing to let him see my pained expression.

I understand, but understanding doesn't mean it hurts less.

Fuck. Didn't plan on being rejected today. I was even thinking about dates we could go on like an idiot. This fucking sucks. I should have been nicer. I'm a genius in most cases, but when it comes to Deku... he's just so confusing. I'm sure someone else would treat him better, but I just can't accept that. I can't accept him being loved by anyone else. It's disgusting. Thinking of someone else's hands on his perfect body makes me want to throw up. And Even worse is thinking of him wanting to be with someone else. Showing them his cute smiles and giggles, hugging and snuggling with them, doing anything they ask of him without question.


I just lost him. It happened so fast. But I guess the sooner the better. I can't even properly process it. Well, I'd rather not break down in front of him, so we'd better start walking. I'm sure he already feels bad.

I thought it would be better for him to hurry up and reject me, but I didn't mean this fast. After he said he liked me yesterday, I got my hopes up. I thought we would just move to the next step. I guess the next step is just different for him. A step without me. I just want to leave now. I just want to hit something. Kirishima still owes me. That probably won't make me feel any better, but it's worth a try.

I only take a few steps before I feel Deku grab onto my wrist, stopping me in my tracks.

"Kacchan, wait," he pauses, "forget it. Forget what I said. Let's date." He professed.

Deku's POV
I'm tired of stopping myself from being happy. I keep finding reasons not to do things. It took me so long to realize I like Kacchan, and it took so long to even realize what I was feeling. But after we reconnected, after that horrible day where we met in the bathroom, he has never done anything to hurt me. I feel safe when I'm with him. Safe and warm and bubbly like I'm floating. He makes my heart skip beats, and my mind run in circles. And most of all, he makes me happy. For ten years, I convinced myself that I didn't deserve to be happy. But it only took him a week to change my mind. So I'm over it. I'm done waiting around for some magical puzzle piece to fly in and complete the picture for me. Not everything is going to fall in to place like I planned. But that's fine. I don't need it to.

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