Chapter 19- Waiting

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Deku's POV
Kacchan's plan sounded good. It made sense and I can't believe he put in the time to make it.

"So you think you can handle not killing anyone until 10 today?" He asked.

"Of course I can do it!" I feel much better with a plan in place. He smiled a relived smile.

"And don't start thinking stupid shit again like yesterday." Yesterday? Oh about... dying. I smiled.

"I won't. You like having me here. With you. How could I leave you Kacchan?" I hugged him tightly. He pushed me off of him and covered his face with one of his hands. I couldn't see what face he was making.

"Let's go nerd."

"Midoriya?" Todoroki said, climbing up the stairs. Oh shoot! Does he remember? What do we do!? Okay, keep calm. It should have worked. Everything is fine.

"O-oh hey Todo!" That was too enthusiastic. Just play it cool.

"Yesterday..." oh God. It didn't work! Maybe it has to be before 12 am for the erase to work. Kacchan moved closer to me, protectively. "I was going to come apologize to you. But I must have fallen asleep. I hope its not to late." He doesn't remember! I felt myself breath a sigh of relief.

"Its okay, Todo. I forgive you." He looked shocked, but I opened my arms out to him and he embraced me in a hug.

"I won't ever do it again, and-"

"Todoroki, I know. Its okay." I didn't need to hear him apologize again, I know how he feels. "Lets just put it behind us, okay?" He looked like he was about to cry, but he nodded and walked back the way he came.

"Why is he apologizing?" Kacchan sounded annoyed. I feel myself stiffen.

"Uhh, he... it doesn't really matter. Lets just go to class." Maybe he will just drop it. He pondered a moment.

"You're a terrible fucking liar." He said, but he was already walking towards the stairs.

The school day progressed like it normally does. I could actually pay attention! It was great to feel back to normal. Well, as normal as I can be.

That is, until gym. We were just working on quirk development. Nothing out of the ordinary, but gym is always hard. The training is intense, but not exactly because the training itself is hard.

I am actually quirkless, but I use my strength boost to strengthen different parts of my body, or all of my body at once. I just pass it off as a quirk. It can be really draining, and using it for too long, or too hard, can make me impossibly hungry. And depending on how much food I've had, I can use too much power and easily destroy the building we are in. Maintaining control, and concentrating on all of the things they are telling me can be alot. But right now, Kacchan is killing me. He always works so hard during training, and I can practically feel his heart beating rapidly. My senses were heightened, and I could still smell everyone else too. It comes in handy for knowing exactly where my opponent is, but right now it's just really distracting. How am I meant to concentrate when Kacchan is begging me to bite him!

My thoughts are interrupted by my leg making contact with one of the tall concrete mountains we use to train. I lost focus, and kicked it a little too hard. The whole thing shattered, causing large chunks of rocks to fall all over the place. Oops...

I land gracefully on the floor, and put my hands on my knees breathing heavily. Luckily no one was right under it or too close. Everyone stared at me in shock.

"Midoriya, that was amazing! You're so manly!" Kirishima said, pumping his fists in the air.

"Haha... thanks!" I said between breaths. Kacchan walked over to me and put his hand in my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah... all good!" I'm fine. I need to endure it. Its not impossible, but him being close to me isn't helping. I brush his hand off of me and walk over to Mr. Aizawa to apologize.

The rest of the day was a little rough, but I made it. Everyone walked together to the dorms. We were talking and laughing, but I couldn't relax. I felt so on edge. It was nice to talk to Todoroki though. He has a calming energy about him.

I could feel Kacchan's eyes on me the whole day. I know he was worried, but it was putting me even more on edge. But everything was fine. I did my school work for the day, and had a nice time with my classmates. It wasn't until 8 that I started to have problems. We are all hanging out in the common area. Its like my energy use from erasing Todoroki's memory, and today in gym caught up to me all at once. I feel... more tired now. And hungry. I'm sure if I ask Kacchan, he will give it to me, but I really want to show him I can do it! I just need to take a deep breath, and calm myself. I can do this. I look over to Kacchan, sitting on the other side of the room. Was he... he's smirking at me! He doesn't think I can do it! I pout, then shoot him a determined look. Alright, it's on Kacchan.

Its only two more hours. I could do this in my sleep. I smell Kacchan's sent getting stronger. Is he coming closer? I whip my head around and sure enough, Kacchan is standing right behind me. He was leaning on the couch with me between his arms. My hand twitches. He's doing this on purpose... well its not gonna work. I can do this!

"Jerk..." I whispered under my breath. I just heard him laugh quietly behind me.

I held on pretty well. 9 o'clock past and I was still doing pretty well. I was holding my breath, and only breathing when I had to. There were a few people like Iida and Momo and Jirro who went upstairs, which was nice. Less people is always appreciated. Kacchan is sitting next to me now.

We were all playing uno but it was really hard to concentrate. I managed to barley win one against Kacchan. Watching him get all mad and confused was fun but I decided not to play for the rest of the night. We decided to watch some movie about heros instead. More people went up, but I felt myself starting to get fidgety. I had both of my hands in my lap, and I was twirling my thumbs. Kacchan leaned down close to my face.

"Thirty more minutes, Deku." Kacchan whispered in my ear. Okay. Only thirty minutes. I can do- Kacchan put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into him. The lights were off, and everyone else was sitting on the floor watching the movie intently, so no one could see us. But I'm confused, does he want me to wait or not!? I breathed in his scent... fuck. Well I already did it, smelling is okay right? I grabbed onto the back of his shirt, and breathed in his smell. I nestled into him, as he laughed quietly to himself. My body is starting to heat up. What should I do? I want it now. Right now. I think my mouth started to water.


"I knew you couldn't do it." What? I can... I just... okay fine. I was about to give in. I didn't respond. I just went back to holding my breath. Okay, okay, so it's not easy. But I've wanted blood more before, and held out. I can definitely do it. But this isn't just hunger I'm trying to manage now... its the craving. I crave his blood, specifically. And he's right here. And all I have to do is ask. Every cell in my body craves him.

I started to grind my body into his. He froze and looked down at me. I didn't mean too, but my body won't listen to me. Controlling my fangs took most of my concentration, so I guess I let go of the control on my body a little bit.

"S-sorry.." I said into his chest. I could feel his heart beating. He's so warm, his blood is so warm. "Kacchan..." I was speaking quietly, and I think my breathing was heavier then it should be. He pushed me gently off of him.

"Now?" He asked, the light from the TV gave his face a soft glow. He wasn't smirking anymore, he was serious. I shake my head no. Not yet. I can do this. It is a little harder than I thought it would be but still. I have to show myself that I can do this. I could feel that I was trembling, but I'm going to do this. He turned back to the TV. Every move he makes, its like I can sense his muscles moving and his blood pumping through him.

"I'm gonna head up, guys." I said to everyone still downstairs.

"Night, Izu!" Uraraka said.

"Night." I waved and headed up the stairs. I sat outside of Kacchan's room until I smelled him approaching.

A/n thanks for reading. Thank you for the 350+ reads, and 35 votes! It means so much. If you can't tell, the next chapter is gonna be a little bit spicy, so be warned.

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