Chapter 76- Loss

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Deku's POV
I can hardly remember anything that happened after that. I can recall some of the trip to the principal's office, the call to my mother, and the visit to Kaminari in one of the cushioned nurse beds. Though the details are fuzzy, I do remember the way Denki croaked and rasped at me, as though his voice had been snatched away only moments prior. But even then, I can't remember what he said.

The only thing I seem to be able to call to mind is the warmth in my palm that never faltered, as Kacchan kept a tight hold on my hand.

Kacchan had to tell me what happened over and over again until I finally got it. But even after I did, it didn't make any sense.

"You hurt Denki," he said to me. But I don't remember hurting anyone?

"The teachers decided that you need to take some time off of school. You're not being expelled, but you're being sent home for a few days," he explained. Sent home? But why? I don't understand.

"They said I can't go with you, but I'm working on it, okay?"

" can't be with me?" Seemed to be the only thing to register.

"I'm working on it." He repeats. "For now we are going to pack up your stuff, and someone is going to take you home. You will be with your mom, and we are going to figure the rest out later." He speaks with an unfamiliar desperation and guilt, keeping his eyes everywhere except on mine.

We stood in the vacant common area, me confused, and Kacchan clearly upset. I just couldn't figure out why.

"What's wrong, Kacchan?" I ask, giving a gentle squeeze to his hand, which still tightly gripped mine. "I don't understand?"

His gaze finally connects with mine. Sad. Frustrated. I can see the emotions in his face, but I can't comprehend why they're for.

"We have to go pack up your stuff, and then you have to go home." He finally says, taking wide steps towards the stairs.

"K-kacchan what do you mean? I don't understand what you're saying, please tell me what's going on." I make an effort to stay in place, or at least stop myself from moving any further. "Pack my stuff? Go home? Why?"

"I already told you, Deku," he speaks calmly, "You hurt Denki, and the school is sending you home for a bit."

"I hurt Kaminari?" I repeat in disbelief.

He continues on marching up the stairs, dragging me along with him.

"And you have to go home. I can't be with you for a while so... just... stay safe." His voice declined in volume and harshness as he spoke.

"You can't be with me?" I say this time much more panicked. "Kacchan, wait-"

I pull so hard on his arm, I nearly sent both of us hurtling down the stairs, though his hand on the railing stops us.

He refuses to turn back to look at me.

"Deku, we have you have to go. Hopefully it will only be for a few days. I'm sorry." He mumbles the last bit, resuming our walk up the stairs.

I still don't know whats going on. I hurt Kaminari... I think... I think I can remember some of that, but I can't remember the reason, or any details.

I don't say another word, sensing Kacchan's anger. I knew coming downstairs was a bad idea. He told me so, but I just had to be stubborn about it.

" they know? Do they know about me now?" I couldn't stop myself from asking in a small voice.

"No, they just think you're sick or something." He grumbles, as if it annoyed him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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