Chapter 30- Understanding

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Deku's POV
I don't get it. Why would he go there? I tilt my head in confusion, asking him to explain himself. He sighs, and pushes himself up until he's sitting, crossed legs, across from me. I follow suit and do the same. Still confused. He rests his face on his hand, in deep thought. I guess I'll just wait. I can relate to having all of the words in your head, but not knowing where to start, or how to put them together. He straightens up, and scratches the back of his head.

"I uh, I want to fix you." His words left me speechless. Fix me? I had never even considered it. I never thought I was brokering specifically. But then again, who's to say I'm not broken. I'm sure something happened to me, there's no way this is how I'm meant to be. But I've only ever thought of ways to control my condition, and keep myself stable. I've never had time to think of anything else. But could I really be fixed? I could have a normal life, and go wherever I want to. This thing I've had for so long has kept me on a short leash all my life. Can I really be free? Do I deserve it?

"So I went to the park. It was stupid to think there would be anything helpful there. It's been over 10 years. I just didn't know where else to start."

"You really think... I could be normal?" Tears start to burn my eyes and cascade down my face. He stays quiet.

"I don't know." He ponders a moment. "I wanted to have something, some kind of news to tell you. Either good or bad, just so we'd know what to do next but... I haven't found anything."

"Oh..." I smile. Of course I can't be fixed. I shouldn't have-

"Yet. I'm not going to stop looking. I have a few ideas. Of how to help you. And I just have a feeling we can fix you." He does? "Listen, it's a lot to explain, but please just hear me out." I nod.

"The way I see it, whatever happened to you wasn't natural. Someone obviously did something. You were kidnapped, and then just so happened to come back with a bunch of new... uh qualities?" He's right. I never really thought about it like that, like there could be someone to blame for this. "And I didn't have much time this morning but..." he stands up and walks quickly to his desk. Opening his drawer, he pulls out two sheets of paper. Then he rummages through his bag, which was hanging on his chair, pulling out an old camera. He carries the items over and lays them on the end of the bed, turning on his side lamp in the process.

I pick up both papers. These are... "Missing persons reports?" On one of the papers, there was a picture of a young girl with blond hair, and pretty orange eyes. Her age was listed as unknown, but she looked about five or six. The person who filed the report is listed as anonymous. The girl looked really rough in the picture. Scrapes and cuts all over her arms and face. Her name was Toga. She went missing about eleven years ago, a few miles from where I was taken.. The second paper was a report of a boy with spiked red hair, and burns all over his body. And his name was listed as.. Toya Todoroki? He had Todoroki's name. I don't remember Todoroki ever talking about anyone in his family named Toya. He went missing a few miles from where Toga did. But ten years ago, same as me.

"Yeah. I did some research this morning. Apparently, there were two more kidnappings around when you were abducted. Both your age and around here." He explained, sitting down next to me. "That does bring up a few questions."

"Like what?" I say, still avidly scanning the papers for any other connections.

"You said no one except your mother remembers what happened, or that you even disappeared. Even the records were gone. So if the person that abducted you erased all accounts of you being gone, why didn't they do the same for those two?" I thought for a moment. My eyes widened as a grim thought appeared in my mind.

"Because... I came back..." he looks a little taken aback, but after a few seconds of consideration he nods in agreement.

"So the others are probably..." he trails off. I look down at the two children's pictures. To think that their life was cut short... they could have become incredible people, but they never got the chance. How did I get so lucky? Why did I get to live and they both didn't...

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