Chapter 5- Explanations

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Deku's POV

Class ended and everyone packed up and started to leave, except me and Kacchan. He just sat there, waiting. I was about to talk to him, when Todoroki walked over and stood next to my desk. Was he waiting for me? "It's fine, Todoroki. You can go on ahead. I will see you at the dorms." I say to him.

"No way I would leave you alone with him. I'm sure you want to talk to him, but I will wait here until you're done." He says back. I see Kacchan tense.

"Seriously, it's fine." I say.

"None of this is fine Midoriya. What if he hurts you?"

"Kacchan would never hurt me!" I raise my voice. I can't believe what I am hearing.

"Yes he would. He has." He says calmly.

"Todoroki, just go. Please." I don't know what to say to make him leave.

"I will. When you leave." He's so stubborn.

"He's right, Deku." Kacchan says. I turned to him. "What if I hurt you?" He restated, but his tone wasn't threatening. It's like he was begging for some kind of confirmation that he actually hadn't done it or something. Anyone could see he felt terrible. He is never like this. I don't think I've ever seen him look guilty once. "I'll go." He picks up his bag and heads towards the door.

"Kacch-" I started, reaching out to him. Todoroki stops me, grabbing my arm lightly.

"What is wrong with you today, Midoriya?" He asks. I ignore him and grab my things the best I can, and leave, running after Kacchan, but he was already gone.

Bakugo's POV
I knew that was going to be bad, but damn. I feel like shit. Even shitty hair's mad at me. I really hurt Deku a lot before. I don't even know why. But I haven't in a long time. I mean, it's been years. I stopped after we high-school. school. I really just need to talk to Deku. I wish that half and half bastard hadn't gotten in the way. Though, I can't say I blame him.

I walk back to the dorm alone, keeping at a brisk pace. I just want to get to my room and have some time to work through my thoughts. At least all eyes were on me. I don't think anyone was suspicious of Deku. He better be okay.

I get to the dorm, only to be met with disapproving looks from everyone in the common space. No one spoke to me. I glance over to Kirishima, and he is looking at the floor. He won't even look at me? I huff, and stomp up the stairs, into my room, finding my anger again. They don't know what's going on! They don't know what I just did for stupid Deku! Why do they get to judge me? Maybe I should tell them everything I saw! What would they think then?

I slam my door and flop down on my bed, throwing my bag to the side as I did. I sigh. No, I can't tell them. We both went through a lot just now to hide it. It would be a shame to make that all for nothing. They probably wouldn't believe me anyways. I just lay in my bed waiting for dinner.

Deku's POV
It feels like I was the slowest person alive even though I am running. I considered using my strength boost in my legs so I could go faster, but I was feeling pretty good and I don't want to mess with my hunger state right now. I just tried to run a little faster. I got to the dorms and ran in, breathing heavily.

"Midoriya! How are you feeling?" Iida asks.

"Fine." Almost everyone was in the common area. Except Todoroki, who was behind me, Kacchan, and Momo. "Does anyone know where Kacchan is?" I ask, making eye contact with a few different people. I notice Uraraka avoiding my eyes.

"I think he went to his room." Kirishima says, also looking down.

"Okay, thanks." I say, and start towards the stairs.

"Are you sure you want to talk to him?" Uraraka asks. I feel my face relax. I didn't know I was tensing.

"Yeah." I look into her eyes. She looks angry, but worried. I understand. I will explain as best as I can to her later. She looks away again. "Ura, I promise it's okay." She softens her expression. "I'll see you for dinner, okay?"

"Okay." She says. Everyone, including myself, seemed to relax a little. I start walking again but I'm stopped by Kirishima, firmly grabbing my arm.

"...did he really do it?" He asks after a slight pause. What should I say? His eyes are begging me to say no. But Kacchan will be mad if I say he didn't do it. And everyone will question me again.

"... I don't know..." I say. He let go. I can't read his expression. I just walk up the stairs to Kacchan's room. I just want to go to my bed and lay down. This was too much. I can't believe I was that close to being discovered by everyone. Or that I almost bit Kacchan. I feel perfectly fine now. Drinking that much blood, should have me set for another 2 days at least. I approach Kacchan's door and knock.

"Go, the fuck, away!" He yells through the door. Oh boy. He seems mad. I can't really fault him though. All of what happened was my fault. He probably regrets helping me.

"K-kacchan." I say. There was a pause. I heard movement, and soon enough, the door being unlocked. As he opened the door, I met his eyes. "Can we talk now?" He nods and lets me in.

I walked in and admired how clean his room is. It was a little surprising. He locks the door behind us, and flips his desk chair around to face the bed. I took this as a sign that he wants me to sit on the bed. So I did. He sat down, and stared into my eyes. Alright, here we go. What do I say to him? Should I apologize for everything first? Do I tell him the truth? But I can't tell him everything, can I? There are too many thoughts swimming through my mind to form cohesive words. Whatever he says, I will have to answer in the moment.

"Deku," he says calmly, "What the fuck is going on?"

A/n thanks for reading.

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