Chapter 55- Home

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Wear your helmets 😊

Deku's POV
The walk back turned into more of a jog, as we hurried to make it by curfew. Kacchan carried everything of course. If I even tried to offer, he would bat my hand away and ignore me entirely. Oh well.

We get safely to our dorms, and head in. Most of the class is downstairs playing some kind of party game.

"Hey guys! We're playing tie the Denki. Wanna play?" Mina asks.

"Umm, no thanks." I don't know what that is, but I know for a fact I would end up tied up in the middle of the floor somehow. Kacchan walks immediately upstairs, and I start to follow. "B-but we'll be down in a bit. If you guys want to watch a movie, we'll watch with you!" I say, rushing after Kacchan.

"One hour! Don't be late!" I hear some unseen Kaminari yell as I reach the top of the stairs.

When I walk into Kacchan's room, he is already arranging the sets of leggings on his bed, inspecting each one carefully.

I close the door with a quiet click, and look down at the ridiculous amount of clothing. I went from no pants, to over 30 pairs in one day. I sigh.

"I still think that was too much, Kacchan." I say.

I feel so weird now. My heart is racing waiting for him to respond. I feel so anxious. What if I say something weird by accident? Is this what liking someone is supposed to feel like?

Because it's really annoying.

Kacchan slides his hand onto my back, and pulls me into a soft hug. He's so close, and warm. He smells so good. I feel like my heart is going to burst out of my chest! Can he hear it?

He sighs.

"I wish I could do more." He says simply.

"W-where did you even get the money to pay for this?" I try and calm my nerves.

"Hmm? Oh my mom just gives me money every month I don't get in a fight." I stifle a giggle.

"How do you have more than a couple of pennies?"

"For your information," he grumbles, "I have over twenty thousand bucks saved up."

"Does she give you twenty thousand a month?" I guess he makes more threats to fight people than he actually does.

"No. A hundred."

"You get $100 a month for NOT getting in a fight!?" He chuckles. Geez his mom has a lot of money.

"Well, that and some odd jobs here and there. Don't worry. I'll spend it all on you." I push away from him.

"Please don't do that."

He turns his attention back to the clothing. He reaches down, and grabs a pair of black shorts with a white strip going down both sides.

"Wanna go to bed?" He asks eagerly.

"Kacchan. It's 7."

"You're point?" He hands me the shorts, smiling. I raise an eyebrow.


"What was it? $439? $440?" He looks serious again. Ughh he's going to guilt trip me until I do it, isn't he.

"Fine. I will put them on, but it's only 7. I'm not going to bed." I walk into the bathroom and close the door. I slide out of the pants Uraraka gave me, and fold them neatly, setting them on the counter.

I hop back and fourth one or two times, hyping myself up.

Alright let's do this! I step into the shorts, and start sliding them up, until I have to jump to move them up any higher.

Hunger - (Vampire Deku, Bakudeku) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now