Chapter 25- Oops

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Bakugo's POV
Fuck, I'm gonna be late! I burst through UA's front door, and run through the halls. The bell has already rung. I don't know how I'm gonna explain this to Deku. I don't even have a real reason to lie. It was dumb. I just, didn't want to see him sad if I couldn't find anything.

I reach the class door. I wipe the sweat from my forehead, and take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down, and stuff my hands into my pockets. Just act natural.

I kick the door open, and stomp over to my seat infront of Deku. His eyes were already on the door, if I had to guess I'd say he could smell me. I toss my bag next to me aggressive and flop down into the chair.

"Where were you Bakugo?" Mr. Aizawa asks. I glare at him, but don't answer. There wasn't anything I could say really. He sighs and marks me late on his paper.

I don't want to look at Deku. I feel terrible for lying to him. I'll just explain what I was doing when I have a chance.

Mr. Aizawa announces the start of a new group project. We are to get into groups of 4 and come up with a character that uses elements of each of our quirks or fighting styles. We have to draw up the character, and then present it in two days, with stats of strengths and weaknesses. It actually sounds kind of fun.

Me, Deku, Uraraka, and Kirishima get together obviously. We push our desks together so I'm next to Kirishima and across from Uraraka, and Deku is next to Uraraka, accros from Kirishima. Deku looks anxious. I myself feel tense a little. I feel better seeing him and knowing he was okay when I left, but is he really okay? Really?

"Alright, get to work. Don't forget to have it done by Thursday." Aizawa said slumping down, full catapillar mode in the corner of the classroom.

"Alright! Let's make him super manly!" Kirishim yells, pumping his fist in the air.

"Who said they were gonna be a boy!?" Uraraka said back, her eyes narrowed and her hands on her hips.

They bicker for a moment, but I don't really pay attention to them. My eyes are focused on Deku who was looking down and to the side. Did something happen? Or is he just mad at me.

"Y-you've really gotta stop coming to class late, Kacchan." He said, looking up at me shyly. The two idiots stop arguing and wait in silence for me to respond. I relax and smile a little. I think he was just worried about me.

I slide my foot over to his under the table and touch his shoe to mine lightly.
"Sorry Sun-er Deku." Oops.

Deku's POV
D-did he almost call me sunshine again?? My face became warmer, and red I'm sure. Uraraka repeatedly slapped my leg under the table with excitement, trying to contain her giggles. She totally caught that. Which if course only made it worse.

"I-I think we should start by giving a run down of each of our quirks, strengths and downsides. Then we can decide what parts he," I look down to Uraraka, "or she, should have." I say, changing the subject.

We worked for the rest of class and came up with a good concept. With all of out quirks combined, the character seems way too overpowered. But the downsides are pretty bad too. Kirishimas quirk doesn't have many downsides apart from a time limit. Lucky. But Uraraka gets sick a lot, and Kacchan can't use too much power without destroying his muscles. Then there's my downsides... though its not really a quirk.

Class ends before we know it.

"Alright. Time for English." Mr. Aizawa said, slinking out of the classroom, and present mic walked in. We all moved our desks back and settled in.

We were just following along with Macbeth as present mic read to us. It was a little confusing, but it was pretty funny. These kind of classes are some of my favorites. He turns the lights off, and we can relax a little. Honestly I tend to drift off a little when I'm in this class.

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