Chapter 38- Breaking Down

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⚠️ possible gore warning (very mild)

Bakugo's POV
I checked downstairs, but Deku wasn't there. I guess he went to his room.

I walk through the dark hall, and back to my room. Today has been the longest fucking day of my life. I feel physically and emotionally exhausted. I can't wait to go to bed.

I flick on my light, closing the door behind me, and hear a quiet and familiar groan, and see movement in my bed. Deku pulls the blanket over his head to shield his eyes from the light.

"Shit, sorry." I whisper, and flick it back off. I really thought he would want some alone time to process everything from earlier. I'm honestly surprised he hasn't broken down crying at some point today. I think he is trying to keep it all in for some reason. Either that, or he's trying to pretend that it isn't happening. Maybe both.

I change quietly into some more comfortable clothes, and climb in bed, doing my best not to disturb Deku.

"Night Deku." I whisper, no response. I hope we get the chance to talk about everything soon. I feel like he has been avoiding being alone with me all day. He probably just didn't want to talk about hard things, but he looked so unhappy today. Not like I can blame him, I just wish I could have done something about it. I hate seeing him unhappy. I know its impossible, but if I could make him smile all the time, I would do anything.

I'm totally out a few moments after my head hits the pillow, my mind and body in total agreement that I don't need to be awake a second longer.

. . .

I open my eyes, and I'm sitting on a hill. In the middle of a field too, and it's covered in sunflowers. A few fluffy clouds dot the sky, and the sun is shining brightly on me. I feel warm, a sweet summer breeze blows through my hair. I feel a hand on mine, and glance down at it, then to the person it's connected to. Deku's sitting next to me, holding my hand. His smile is just as warm as the sun. His sweet laugh rings all around me, as he interlaces his fingers with mine. I smile at him, and close my eyes, feeling the warm rays on my face. He mouths something, but I can't hear the words.

I'm awoken abruptly to a searing pain that seemed to be spreading over the whole left side of my body. There is a lot of weight pressing down on me. Another surge of pain sweeps over me. I fight to open my eyes to see what the hell is happening to me.

Deku is sitting on top of me, though it's more like he is on all fours over me, and I can only assume he is biting my neck on my left side. That, or he is stabbing me with a knife he lit on fucking fire.

I wince as he bites down harder, tearing my skin with his fangs. He's ripping into me like a rabbid dog.

"Jesus fuck- Deku!" I yell in pain, fighting my natural instincts to punch him, throw him, or explode the fuck out of him. He doesn't hear me, or he ignores me, pulling his head up, but not letting go, trying to literally tear a piece of me away. I sit up, stopping him from pulling away from me anymore. He's latched on so hard, I can't get him off without seriously hurting myself, or maybe even him. His fangs sink so deep inside, they make contact with my bone.

"Deku what's wrong!?" I don't know what time it is, but it's well past 10. But he ate this morning, so I was just going to feed him if he woke me up. It's possible he felt bad for needing to wake me up, so he waited until he just accidentally lost control. But I doubt that. He has had me with open wounds in front of him when he was starving, so me laying next to him shouldn't be able to push him over his limit. And more than that, he's not responding to me at all. He has been slightly unresponsive before, but not like this.

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