Chapter 4- Sides

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Bakugo's POV
I grab a bunch of paper towels and soak them in water. I clean the bathroom floor, and take the bloody paper towels and empty bags, and bring them outside to the big dumpster. No one should be suspicious if they found them here. People get hurt all the time. I run back to the bathroom and pick up my backpack and the remains of Deku's. I inspect myself in the mirror. There is a little blood on my uniform. Shit. It must have rubbed off of Deku on to me while we were struggling. Not much I can do. Hopefully people won't notice. I close the stall door. I forgot about the lock that I broke. Eh, it happens all the time it's fine. I also put Deku's blazer in my bag. I will give it to him later. I start out the door and down the hall.

I sigh deeply. Alright here we go. This is gonna be rough.

Deku's POV
I walk to class, absolutely dumbfounded. What just happened? I can't even begin to process before I'm into the classroom and sit down in my chair. The bell rings, and Mr. Aizawa looks around the room.

"Does anyone know where Bakugo is?" He asks. Wait, Kacchan is going to be late now. He's cleaning the bathroom even though he has nothing to do with this. This is all my fault. And the way he was talking to me, he wasn't mad. I've never heard him speak like that. Serious, but calm. And when I left, did he... apologize?! What is happening?

"He was going to give Midoriya his backpack." Iida chimes in. "Midoriya, have you seen him?" He asks, turning to me.

"U-uh nope. Didn't see him. I didn't even realize I didn't have my bag. Hahaa." I laughed a little too loud. Oh boy.

"Come to think of it, you weren't in the cafeteria. Where did you go?" Todoroki asks. Oh shoot. Where do I say I was!?

"Uh, oh I was... outside eating." Maybe that will work. I don't know where else I could say I was. Todoroki looks suspicious.

"What did you have for lunch?" He asks. I feel like I am being interrogated. I feel sweat start to form in my palms, and I pull on my collar. "And why aren't you wearing your blazer?"

"Oh I got warm." I say.

"But didn't you say you ate outside? It's pretty cold out there." What do I say!? I don't know what to say! This isn't good.

"Umm..." Just then, Kacchan bursts through the door.

"Oi, Deku!" He yells, stomping over to me. It made me jump. He dumps my backpack on my desk. I look at him in genuine confusion. I thought he was gonna throw it away, so what is he doing? "Here's your stupid bag." He turns around, and slumps down in his chair.

"Bakugo, where were you?" Mr. Aizawa asks in his usual monotone voice.

"What do you care? I'm here now, aren't I?" Kacchan snaps at him. What is he doing? I mean, that response was definitely something Kacchan would usually say, but still.

"Bakugo, what the heck did you do to his bag!?" Uraraka says standing up.

"Bakugo, that was completely uncalled for. Not only did you not apologize, but you destroyed his personal property?" Iida lectures. Wait, is he going to take all of this blame? He is... covering for me?

"Wait," Kirishima says, quieting the room. "I passed by Deku's locker in the hall and it was wide open and there was stuff everywhere." Kirishima looks a little pale, and like someone just slapped him in the face. "Did you.." Kacchan turns to look at him.

"Yeah, so what!?" Kacchan yells to no one in particular. Why would he do this? I can finally see his face now. His brows are furrowed, and he appears mad. But I can tell. I can see it. In his eyes, he looks hurt. Like even though he said he did it, it hurt him that Kirishima believed him. He holds the angry expression, but I know that face. He's acting tough but I know it's killing him that his best friend thinks he did this.

"Dude, that's super messed up." Kaminari says. Kacchan turns back around, facing the front again.

"You scared him and then tore up all of his stuff? That doesn't seem very fair at all, ribbit." Tsuyu stated, in her usual impartial tone.

"Wait, it's okay you guys." I say, trying to calm everyone down. No matter how you look at it, from their perspective, Kacchan is in the wrong. There isn't much I can say to take the blame off of him.

"Midoriya, you always say that whatever Bakugo does to you is okay. You think I don't hear you crying in your dorm room every time he bullies you? He went way too far, stop trying to convince yourself that this is okay." Todoroki glares at Kacchan, "Bakugo this is too much." I wish I could see Kacchan's face. He just sat silently. Dang it Todoroki. You shouldn't have said that. And did I really cry that loudly?

"It's your guys' fault for trying to make me apologize!" He continues, not breaking his angry character.

"Oh no, don't you try to blame this on us. We just wanted to make sure Izuku was okay!" Uraraka yells, still standing. Everyone is seething.

"Ura, it's fine!" I say meeting her eyes.

"How can you be okay with this!? How can you live with this monster!?"

"Uraraka!" I yell, standing up to be at her level, and slamming my hands down on the table. She visibly softens her stance, and backs down. "I said it's fine!" Everyone stares at me. There was a long pause. "Monster" No. I am the monster. Kacchan is helping me. I know he looks bad, but hearing her call him that made me angry.

"Ahem," Mr. Aizawa grabs our attention. We all turn our attention towards him. "Can we get back to class now?" He asks, and waits. Me and Uraraka sat down, and everyone got out their notebooks. I sift through my backpack scraps, and find mine. I hated yelling at Ura. She is my best friend, and I know she was just sticking up for me. I wish I could explain everything to her, that Kacchan was helping me, and he is being nicer than I've ever seen him. And that it is me who is the monster.

I turn my attention to Kacchan. He sits facing forward. He isn't tense like I thought he'd be. He has his shoulders relaxed. No, slumped down is more like it. He looks... defeated. I search through the scraps, but I can't find any pencils. I don't want to ask anyone, because I feel like it would just rile everyone up again. I glance back up to see Kacchan silently holding a pencil behind him. I grab it and start writing. It's a little hard to concentrate, but I just try to push everything out of my mind and clear my head. I have to talk to him after class.

A/n thanks for reading.

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