Chapter 70- Opinions

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Bakugo's POV
I've basically been up all night. Deku was sobbing and thrashing around in his sleep for hours. He woke me up four separate times, and each time I had to try my best to coax him back to sleep. One of the times he straight up punched me in the face. Scared the hell out of me. He was never really awake, just in a sort of limbo halfway between sleep and consciousness, like a sleepwalker. He was talking to himself, but I couldn't make out any words except, "sorry."

He kept scratching at his arms and face. So much so that I had to hold both of his arms at his sides until he stopped resisting; which took about fifteen minutes. I held him as best I could, and I tried talking to him, though I doubt he heard me.

I'm sure he was having some terrible nightmare or something. Still, it took forever to get him to relax again. It felt like a crime to wake him up just because it's morning now that he's finally resting peacefully.

I left to tell Mr. Aizawa that Deku's not coming to class today, and I'm staying with him. No way I would be crazy enough to ask Deku to go to school today. With the way he treated Uraraka, he should probably stay away from people for a day or two.

I trudge down the hall, yawning all the way.

Before I can even make it to the staircase, someone stops me by throwing an arm around my shoulders, and nearly sending both of us crashing to the ground.

"Hey, Bakubro!" Kirishima yells joyously. I groan, and shake him off of me.

"It's too fucking early, and you're too fucking loud." I inform him with a glare.

"Sorry, man! You okay? You look tired." His comment earns another glare.

"No shit. I didn't sleep. Deku was restless. Kept me up." I yawn again after my statement.

"How is he?" His eyes fill with concern. "Whatever bug he caught, it seems to be a nasty one."

"I don't think he's any better, honestly. I don't know what else I can do for him. Just wait it out I guess." Kirishima gives me a serious nod. "How's Round face?"

"She's fine actually. She's more worried about Midoriya than herself. Amazing right! She's so manly." I roll my eyes dramatically.

"Keep that shit to yourself. It's gross." I tease. I'm glad he seems happy.

"Says the guy who told me how much he likes the way his crush moans." He says, chuckling and crossing his arms. I whip my head around, scanning the empty hallway for people.

"Keep your fucking voice down!" I yell, and point an angry finger at him, "And I didn't say crush, I don't have crushes, I like people or I love 'em, I have never said the word crush in my fucking life!" I say a little quieter. I feel my face heating up with embarrassment.

"Whatever you say man." His smug face is pissing me off. I grab him by his collar, and yank him towards me, so he has nowhere to look but into my threatening gaze.

"And if you ever bring that up again, I will fucking bury you." I hiss.

Kirishima nods his head rapidly, holding his arms up in surrender.

"Loud and clear!" He smiles.

I glare at him one more time before releasing him. I walk past him, back in the direction of my room.

"Tell Mr. Aizawa Deku's sick and I'm with him." I say without bothering to turn around.

"Wait a minute, Bakugo, did you say love?" Kirishima asks.

"Six feet under the fucking ground. I will fill the ditch with worms and fucking cockroaches. You will be butt naked and covered in honey. Bears will dig you up and maul you to death." I remind him, and hear his laugh fade as I move farther away from him.

Hunger - (Vampire Deku, Bakudeku) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now