Chapter 69- Here

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Bakugo's POV
I've never seen Deku act like that before. Not even close. He's obviously struggling with this. I can't imagine what's going through his head right now. I just need to give him some space and be here for him.

I was really hoping to get some more support with Zayyan and everything. Kirishima would have been a huge help, and I guess Round face would have been helpful too.

But I probably wouldn't be eager to talk to anyone after learning something like that.

He was in the shower for a long fucking time. Long showers always help me clear my mind. He said he felt better but... I don't know. He looked... empty? That's the only way I can think of to describe it. I know he's not okay right now. Honestly, I'm still having a hard time with all this. I think we both just need a few days.

I walk calmly -well more like slowly- down the stairs. Shitty hair and Uraraka are sitting on the couch together, talking in hushed tones. Besides them, I don't so much as look at anyone else while I make my way to the kitchen.

I grab a bunch of snacks like bags of chips, and two boxes of cereal. I also take someone's leftovers from the fridge.

I feel kind of bad for taking all this food. I can always just make everyone dinner at some point to make up for it.

I can't decide whether I should leave Deku alone for a bit, or hurry back. Now I'm rushing for no reason. I'm sure he just wants space. The way he yelled at me, I'm not sure if he even wants me around at all.

But I can't just leave him alone. I'm not sure why, but I feel like that wouldn't end well. I think I will feel better if I can at least be in the same room as him.

I grab a large water bottle, and quickly start filling it with water from the sink. I screw the lid on tight, and hurry out of the kitchen.

Sadly, I see Kirishima waving me over to him before I can make it through the common area. I would have just ignored him, but I already made eye contact. Annoying.

I do my best to appear calm and collected as I walk over. I really just want to get upstairs.

Instead of saying anything, Kirishima just turns to Uraraka, smiling at her encouragingly. She looks at me after a brief moment, trying to find the right words.

"...How is he?" She asks.

"Pretty bad." Not a lie, "He's really out of it. He took a shower, hopefully he will go to sleep soon." I answer. She nods her head slowly. "How's your hand?"

"Oh, it's fine. Just a little bruised." She smiles, holding her hand out so I can see.

The back of her hand is completely purple, and it was trembling slightly, so clearly it hurt her to move it.

Me and Kirishima both look at her with worry and guilt.

"...I can't leave him alone for too long." I say, and she nods. "He... he feels really bad."

"Tell him not to worry about it. I know he didn't mean to." She smiles warmly. "I hope he feels better soon."

"Yeah. Me too." I mumble quietly. "See you later." I say to both of them, before making my quick escape.

I hurry up the stairs, and to Deku's old room. I knock on the door and tell him I brought food, then stand anxiously waiting for the brat. He takes his sweet time making his way over to the door. Once he finally opens it, I toss all of the food inside, and leave without a word.

I know it's not his fault. He just told me information. But ever since we met him... everything has just been hectic. And now this... I'm not sure inviting him here was a good idea, even if he really isn't trying to hurt Deku.

Hunger - (Vampire Deku, Bakudeku) DISCONTINUED حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن