Chapter 47- Assistance

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Bakugo's POV
Deku stares at me, confused.

"All Might?" He asks.

"He's the closet one to All for one that we can talk to. And he probably wants him taken care of more than any of us. And plus," I look down into his sparkling eyes, "who better to help us, than the number one hero?" He nods enthusiastically.

All Might is one of the teachers at the school, but he mostly focuses on training the first years, so we have only seen him around a few times. Deku stares in awe every time he passes by.

"We'll talk to him on Monday." I say. He nods again.

I'm not even sure what to ask him. Maybe what he knows about All for one. His weaknesses, or if he knows anything about the nomu experiments that isn't on paper. I just know he's the only place we can go now. Maybe we should tell him about Deku.

"Hey, Kacchan?" He says.


"Do you want to tell him about me?" His question surprised me.

"I'm not sure." I think for a second. "It's not really my choice." He hmms in agreement.

"I don't know either." He says. "It's... scary." I rub his arm absent-mindedly. If he doesn't feel comfortable with it, then I won't even think of it again.

After a few minutes of contemplating, and staring off into the cloudy sky, I hear soft snores from next to me. I glance down at Deku, who had, of course, fallen asleep in my arms. Why does he have to be so fucking cute? Now that he knows, waiting like this is torture.

I sigh. I move off of the bench, and crouch in front of him.

"Deku, grab on."

"Hmm..? Mkay.." he wraps his arms around my neck, and I carry him on my back. I wonder why he's so tired. He's probably just stressed out or something.

I walk him back to the dorms, enjoying the cool weather, and nice scenery.

I guess he's been hiding this thing for his whole life. It took him a while to accept drinking human blood, because he drilled into his head that he couldn't. And letting someone else find out is probably even worse for him. He might end up not doing it, just because he genuinely thinks it's a bad idea, not because he's scared. I feel like I might baby him a little bit. I want to protect him so much, I tend to forget he can protect himself. He is one of the top three in our class. He's perfectly capable of planing things out to save people. I just think, he gets hung up on past fears when it comes to saving himself.

We get back to the dorms. Well half a mile from them or so.

"Deku?" I stop, and left him slowly down to the floor. He stands unsteadily, gripping my arm for stability. I laugh a little. He slept forever, why is he so tired?

"Ka-" his voice is interupted by a high and breathy yawn, "..cchan? Whatcha doin'?" God damn it, he yawns like a fucking kitten. That was the cutest fucking thing I've ever seen in my life, I'm gonna fucking kill him.

"We're back, dumbass." He looks up at the dorm buildings in front of us, remembering where we are.

"Ohh... okay." It would have been weird if I carried him in. People would be worried seeing as he is probably the most clumsy person alive. They would think he hurt himself. "Soo Kacchan..."


"You're really not gonna kiss me?" My eyes widen a bit.

"Uh, no I won't. You sad?" I smirk at him.

"N-no." He pouts. "I just don't think you can do it..." he mumbles.

"Reeaally?" He crosses his arms and nods. "Is that a challenge, Sunshine?" He glances up at me.

Hunger - (Vampire Deku, Bakudeku) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now