Chapter 23- Sunshine

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Deku's POV
I breath in Kacchan's warm scent, rubbing my face against his firm chest. My eyes flutter open, to the soft morning light shining in through the open blinds.

The air feels static. Like we are paused in a moment of time. I feel at peace. I feel calm. Warm and safe.

And then, I feel hungry.

The empty pit in my stomach, growling angrily at me.

I'm so tired of this hunger. I just want to be normal. It's always here, like a shadow, following me everywhere. I feel like crying but I'm to tired to cry. I'm just done. I didn't ask for this. It ruins everything.

"Morning, sunshine." I tilt my head up, looking into Kacchan's beautiful red eyes. Well, I guess not everything. I can't help but smile a little.

"Morning, Kacchan." I don't want to get up. I just want to stay like this. His cheeks looked a little red, and there were dark circles under his eyes. Had he been crying? I bring my hand gently to his face, and run my thumb over his cheek.

"Are you okay?" I ask. Was it because of yesterday?

"I'm fine." He held onto my wrist, and he leaned towards my face. W-was he going to kiss me again? I parted my lips slightly, as he moved only centimeters away. I felt his breath dust accrost my lips. His eyes are closed, and he's tilting his head to the side a little. He really is going to kiss me! Uh, what do I do? Do I pull away? Stay here? Kiss him first?

Then he pulls away. He moves around me and hops off the bed.

"Come on. We have school." He said as he walked into the bathroom to get ready.

I blushed to myself. Of course he wasn't gonna kiss me. I'm so stupid. For some reason I feel... disappointed.

I turn to the clock, 6:47 weird. I guess we woke up before the alarm. I walk quietly to my room, and shower. The warm water hitting my skin reminds me of Kacchan. I've been spending so much time with him lately, he's all I can think about. I hope he's alright. He said he was fine, but I dont think he slept at all last night. Maybe he was uncomfortable.

I get out and dry myself off. I change into my uniform, and walk back into the bathroom to fix the damp mop on my head.

Kacchan comes in not too long after, having clearly just showered as well. I hear him flop onto my bed, and I walk out.

I start gathering my things in my backpack.

"I AM HERE! I AM HERE! I AM HERE! I AM H-" I slam my hand onto my alarm, cutting off All mights booming voice. Well that was... embarrassing. It was 7 now, so we have 30 minutes until we have to be in school.

"THATS, your alarm?" Kacchan said, raising his eyebrows. Well, he was my favorite hero. Here come the jokes. Hes gonna make fun of me for this whole day, I can already tell.

"Y-yeah, so?" I said.

He grabbed my alarm clock, and started fiddling with the settings. Something apparently wasn't working the way he wanted it to, so he slammed his fist down on the corner, leaving a noticeable dent. Then he finds whatever he was looking for. A button I guess and presses it.

"Wake up! It's morning dumbass!" He yelled into the machine.

"K-kacchan why'd you do that!?" I yelled.

"Cuz your old alarm was fucking dumb." He replied, in a calmer more casual tone.

"I don't know if I want to be called dumbass first thing in the morning..." I said.

"Well its better than All Might!"

"He's my favorite hero Kacchan. And he's the best! I want to be just like him!"

Hunger - (Vampire Deku, Bakudeku) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now