Chapter 60- Be A Man

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❤(I can't believe I've written 60 chapters of this. Like what-? I Just wanted to take a moment to thank all of the people who vote for every chapter. It has been really encouraging, and it means a lot. I am going to try and make a list of people to thank, so if you've voted for every chapter, comment right here,  just like "me" or "notice me senpai" whatever floats your boat. I'm on my computer, so I literally can't find anything and this is the best way for me to get everyone. Sorry for the inconvenience.)❤

Deku's POV
"Ughhh.." I groan as I try to roll myself out of bed.

It doesn't work. 

Second day soreness is so much worse. I don't want to try to move again. Everything hurts, but especially my legs. How am I meant to walk on these! 

I sit up, taking the time to massage and stretch out my legs, even though the process is agonizing. I guess this is what Uraraka meant yesterday. I didn't have to feel it before because of Kacchan's blood. 

I glance down at him sleeping peacefully behind me.  He looks so much calmer than usual when he's sleeping, it's almost funny. I reach down and stroke his soft blonde hair, smiling mindlessly. He made all that food for me, just because he felt like it. He didn't even ask for a thank you, or anything in return. I wish I could do something for him, but I just can't think of anything he would like. I can't cook, and if I cleaned, he would just be upset that he couldn't find anything. And I wouldn't know what to buy him. He probably wouldn't even let me go to the store on my own, at least, not after the mall incident. I'm sure I'll think of something. 

"Hmm..." Kacchan stirs under my hand. 

"Oh, s-sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. But we should probably get up now." I apologize, still petting him awake.  

He reluctantly opens his eyes to glare at me. 

"Don't you look at me like that. We have to go. That's not my fault." I scold. 

He slowly rises to a sitting position, still staring at me like an angry dog. 

"There we go!" I smile, faking enthusiasm, patting him on the head as if he had done a good job at something. 

He suddenly grabs my wrist, yanking me towards him. He let's his body fall on top of mine, successfully pinning me under his weight. 

"Gah! Kacchan, I said we need to GO, not stay in bed. Are you listening?" I ask. 

He only hmms in response, refusing to let me go. I sigh, and give him another pat on the head. 

"I know. I don't want to go either." 

"...Then stay." His low morning voice fills my head. 

"No, Kacchan... Geez you really are like a big dog..." Only in the mornings, or when he's really tired. He's just like a clingy puppy. 

"I'm a what?" Kacchan uses his arms to lift himself up so he's right above my face. Oh wait did I say that out loud? 

"N-no I just meant... not really a dog j-just sometimes you... act... puppy-ish?" I try to reason, though honestly I wouldn't even buy that. 

"Really?" he smirks. He leans down, and I hear the wet sound of his mouth opening. 

"H-hey wait-" He drags his tounge slowly across my neck and up to my sensitive ears. I try to wiggle out from under him, but my sore body and his weight are working against me. 

I push his face away from me as far as I can, covering his mouth, and extending my arms. 

"I said wait!" He smiles against me, sticking his tounge out again, and covering my hands with his warm saliva. "Eww!" I screech as I retract my arms. 

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