Chapter 22- Healing ⚠️

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⚠️ smut warning

(If you want to skip the smut, skip to Bakugo's POV)

Deku's POV
Of course he had to bite his tongue. I didn't do it, and it probably wouldn't even take that long to heal on its own. But, I guess it is kind of my fault. And I did do some pretty messed up stuff, so it's the least I can do.

Alright, I've done it before. It's no big deal. It's just a friend, helping a friend with an injury. So why am I so nervous? I'll just do it fast.

I move a little closer to Kacchan. He's just staring at me with an expression I've never seen.

"K-kacchan can you c-close your eyes?" He did. I can tell my face is covered in a light pink. This is so embarrassing, not to mention insane. Kacchan is letting me kiss him. Kacchan! He even kind of asked for it...

Hey, wait don't read into things. He just doesn't want an annoying cut in his tongue. No big deal. This is fine. Totally fine.

I reached one of my shaking hands up to his face, willing myself not to explore his sharp jaw line. I run my thumb along his bottom lip and pull it down, opening his mouth slightly. A shallow breath escaped his lips.

I can't believe I'm actually doing this! Okay, don't think of it as a kiss. Think of it as a necessary procedure for healing purposes. Yeah. That's all it is.

"Kacchan, s-stick your t-tounge out, please?" I cannot believe that sentence just came out of my mouth. What is happening right now!?

I watch the corners of his mouth turn up ever so slightly, and he lets his tounge slip slowly out of his mouth, and rest on his lower lip.

When I kissed him before, I wasn't really thinking so this feels like the first time. It's less embarrassing if I pretend it's not happening at all.

I let my own tounge hang out of my mouth, and bring my face closer to his. I take an internal deep breath, and slowly, I begin.

I slide my tongue carefully under his, and in one movement, bring our lips and open mouths together.

My tongue cradles his for a moment before I start moving it around, trying to find the cut. He remains mostly still as I clumsily work my way around his mouth. I keep my eyes closed, and my hands placed on his face to stabilize myself.

His tongue feels soft, and sort of... slimmy. His whole mouth tastes slightly of blood. Sweet and warm.

Every time our tongues rub against each other, I feel a slight tingling sensation spread throughout my body, kind of like I'm buzzing. I think it might be the blood, but my head feels... fuzzy.

Before I can process what my body is feeling, I find the cut, partly on the left side of his tongue, and a bit on the inside of his cheek.

I focus on those areas, letting my saliva coat both of them. I enjoy his sweet caramel taste for as long as I can before it fades away. Once I can't taste anything, I decide he's probably healed.

"Ugh, fuck it-" He groans softly, as if in annoyance.

I go to pull away from him, but he moves his hand firmly on my back, and in one swift movement, he flips me on top of him. I end up holding onto his shoulders so I didn't go flying. Why do I always end up straddling him lately!?

My eyes shoot open, but they're forced closed almost immediately, as Kacchan's kisses me back. His once soft and malleable tongue becomes strong and forceful.

W-what is he doing!? He should be all healed now but he's still kissing me? This feels so... weird. His tongue inside my mouth... he keeps forcing it all around, even when I try to fight against him.

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