Chapter 39- Promise

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⚠️ suicidal thoughts-ish

Bakugo's POV
I roll my head loosely from side to side stirring myself awake. I feel so heavy, like gravity decided to attack me today. My head is throbbing, and I have a splitting headache.

"Kacchan?" Deku says, squeezing my hand. Is he crying? I open my eyes and turn my head as much as I can towards him, my neck is really stiff.

His eyes are swollen, and he is absolutely covered in blood. Did he get hurt? What the hell is going on? It's still dark outside. I don't remember falling asleep though. I do my best to look around. I'm in my bed laying down on top of the sheets, and I think I'm covered in blood, too. Deku is kneeling by the side of my bed, gripping my right hand. It's really dark in here, and my vision is kind of fuzzy.

"What time is it?" I say, my voice gravely and horse.

"H-huh? Oh it's um," he turns his head to look at the clock, "4:30."

"What happened?" I ask, putting my left arm in a way that let me prop myself up. A sharp twinge of pain shoots through me, sending me back down.

"D-don't try to get up!" Deku stands frantically, placing his hands lightly on my chest, stopping me from attempting it again. He's stareing into my eyes, and he looks really guilty. "I'm so glad you're okay. I-I didn't know what to do, and I though you would be mad if I called recovery girl..."

"Damn right I would have been." He must have hurt me or something. "So what-"

"I don't know what happened. Or, well I do know, I bit you... a lot.. but I didn't mean to! Really I swear I would never do that without asking. O-or bite you so much. Really I wasn't myself..." he says nearly hysterically, tears still flowing freely down his freckled face.

Oh right. Now I remember. I tried to get up and wash myself off so he wouldn't be sad when he woke up. Well that was fucking stupid. To be fair, I'm pretty sure I wasn't thinking straight.

I must have passed out. That was actually really scary. But that whole time I wasn't worried about dying. I know Deku wouldn't kill me.

"Deku it's okay. I know you wouldn't do that, calm down. Are you alright?" He closes his eyes, and turns away from me. "Deku?"

"I'm sorry, Kacchan. I don't think I can do this anymore."

"Do what? What are you talking about?"

"This Kacchan! I can't hurt you anymore, I hate it! It doesn't matter of you're okay with it, I'm not! I would rather die! I want to... be done with it. I don't want this. I- I never..." he falls to his knees, and looks down at his hands, then up at me, "I never wanted this..." He starts breathing really quickly, and his eyes are wide open.

I push myself up, ignore the horrible pain in my left shoulder. I flop onto the floor, also on my knees.

"Kacchan I-I told you not to get up... you never listen to me." I wrap my arm around his body, and nestle my hand in his fluffy green hair. "Kacchan s-stop.." he tries to push my away, but I obviously ignore that, and pull him into me, holding his head to my chest. He's trembling.

"You're right. I should have listened to you. I should have tried harder to talk to you about this." I stroke his hair. "You're just overwhelmed right now. And you have every right to be. This isn't your fault."

"But I-I.. " I think he's hyperventilating.

"You're not going to die. Remember what I said before?" He sniffles and nods.

"But I almost killed you! You could have died! I don't want anyone else dying because of me! I don't... I don't-" he goes back to trying to push away from me.

Hunger - (Vampire Deku, Bakudeku) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now