Chapter 73- Voices

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Bakugo's POV
We both woke up some number of hours later. We didn't move from the spot we fell asleep in, and if anything, we only held each other tighter when we woke up.

I'm not sure what time it is, but I'm sure class is done for today. I had no desire to get up, and I know Deku didn't either. He let me snuggle him and play with his hair for a long time. It was nice. The feeling of his fluffy hair under my hands. And holding him so close that I can feel his chest expand against me with every small breath.

I love being this close to him, and feeling like he wants me so much. I just wish it was under better circumstances. At least he seems better than last night.

This serene atmosphere was rudely interrupted by a knock on the door. The loud noise startled the both of us, Deku much more so than me. He lept on top of me, still hugging me desperately with all four of his limbs, now glaring and barring his fangs at the door, letting a low hiss escape through his gritted teeth.

I guess I spoke too soon.

"Hello, problem children." It sounds like Mr. Aizawa. "I heard that Midoriya is sick today. I'm sorry to hear that." He speaks in his usual monotone voice.

"Deku... air... I can't breathe!" I whisper yell at Deku, trying to pry his arms off of me. He reluctantly loosens his grip, and places his head down on my chest possessively, still glaring at the door.

"I don't want him here..." he says in a quiet, shaking voice. Not shaking with fear, but... anger. For some reason, it made me anxious almost immediately. Maybe unsettled is a better word for it. Either way, I knew the words he spoke were a warning.

"Deku's still sleepin', do you need something?" I ask, hoping he'll leave quickly.

"Ah, well I will leave the work you missed right here then. It's nice to see the two of you getting along. Keep me updated on his condition, and don't hesitate to go to Recovery girl for support if you need to." Mr. Aizawa responded.

"Uh huh, thanks." I dismiss whatever he was saying.

"Taking a sick day isn't a problem, but missing too much class will leave both of you behind quite quickly." The longer he speaks, the more antsy Deku becomes, letting his fingers twitch, and shifting his weight from side to side. He grapples at the back of my shirt, not trying to protect me exactly... it's more like he's trying to keep himself in place. "I've noticed both of your grades have dropped significantly over the last few weeks. I don't know if you just stopped doing work, or if you have something personal going on, but you can always speak to a counselor if need be. You are both very bright, and everyone wants to see you succeed."

"Yeah yeah, we get it." I say, slightly more aggressively.

He doesn't speak after that, but Deku and I wait in alert silence for a few moments, before deciding he left.

"I think he's gone, Deku. Are you alright?"

Deku doesn't respond to me. He only rubs his face against my chest, assuring himself that I am still very much alive and well.

I let out a sigh. Not of annoyance or frustration. Just overall worry. I'm glad Deku didn't go to school today.

Now that I think about it, when he accidentally hit Round face, it also had something to do with her being too close to me, and how I was his. As adorable as that is, he's being way too possessive. I don't mind, but he can't attack someone every time they get close to me. But we can't stay locked in this room by ourselves forever. I have to talk to other people eventually. And so does he. But I don't know what I could do to make him stop worrying about me.

Hunger - (Vampire Deku, Bakudeku) DISCONTINUED Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora