Chapter 71- Doesn't Matter

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Deku's POV
How could he say something like that!? Just forget? He thinks I could really just go on, living my happy little life, care free, happy and pure. How heartless does he think I am?

I stomp down the hallway, each step deliberate and forceful, as if stomping around would somehow solve something. My hands tremble slightly from the fear and adrenaline still in my veins.

I reach my old room, and pound on the door with my fist.

"Zayyan, it's me." I say. The door clicks open a few seconds later, and I storm in, ploping myself right in the middle of the floor with a loud huff.

"Something wrong?" Zayyan asks, his usual smile still pulling at the corners of his mouth, though this time he seemed a bit concerned. I decide not to answer him, crossing my arms in an attempt to tell him I don't feel like talking about it.

"You're crying." He adds to his question, mindlessly.

My fingertips slowly find my cheek, and sure enough it was still damp with tears that refused to stop pouring out of my eyes.

Zayyan closed the door, locking it once again, and sitting with legs crossed and shoulders back, in front of me.

Then he just waited. Waited for me to stop crying, or for me to speak.

I don't. I just continue crying angrily to myself with arms crossed and shoulders tensed.

"Where's blondie?" Zayyan rests his head in his hands, looking rather bored.

After he receives no response, he carries on talking.

"Did he really let you come talk to me by yourself? Or is he just outside the door or something?" Zayyan chuckles to himself.

"Kacchan didn't let me do anything. I don't need his permission to talk to anyone." I finally snap at him.

"...Did you have a fight with him?" The question catches me off guard, though I'm sure it was obvious, and anyone could have guessed.

The realization of what just happend slowly sinks in as my mind processes Zayyan's words.

I just had an argument with Kacchan. We haven't fought or even disagreed about anything in so long. And now he's mad at me, I'm sure. And I'm still mad at him for saying what he said. He hasn't raised his voice at me in a while either.

I give Zayyan a small nod.

"And you stormed off?" Zayyan asks, tilting his head to the side with curiosity.

"H-he wasn't listening to me. He never listens. He thinks he's always right and whatever he decides is best, with no consideration for anyone else." I grumble, "Not everything is about him or what he wants. It's like he's not even trying to understand how I feel, he's just ordering me around and telling me how to "solve" my sadness. It's not a math problem, and I don't want a solution right now, I just want to be upset. Is that crazy? M-maybe it doesn't make sense... maybe I don't make sense. I know I'm... I'm... in a weird place lately. But still. For him to think I could just pretend it didn't happen and go back to being all normal and happy is hurtful. A-and to yell at me about it! And then be upset at me for walking away? That's he's not being fair." I ramble in an angry huff.

"So... what you're saying is-" I watch the corners of Zayyan's mouth twitch into a crooked grin- "You left blondie all alone in his room, six doors down the hallway, in an angry— unfocused state of mind?" His eyes squint, filled with this... darkness.

I can feel the color drain from my face, and every inch of my body is flooded with panic and fear. My heart skips beats at the image of Kacchan being attacked, or hurt, or tortured just as Zayyan had warned me about. But I thought he said UA was safe. Was he planning this? Is Kacchan still alive right now? Or is he already gone? Did they take him somewhere?

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