Chapter 40- Best Day (Part 1)

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Deku's POV
Sadly, I wake up. I wish I could just stay in bed forever. It's way to early, I only got an hour or two of sleep. My eyes flutter open. Kacchan looks so calm when he's sleeping. There are still dark circles under his eyes. I know he didn't get much sleep either.

I bring my hand up to his face, and stroke it gently with my thumb. I really want to kiss him, but I don't want to wake him up.

Carefully, I scoot my way out of bed, making sure I don't disturb Kacchan. I find a suitable outfit for him. Then I very quietly exit the room, and rush downstairs. I really want to make sure Kacchan has a good day today. I feel terrible. I keep messing up, and making his life harder. I still think it would be easier if I just left... but I can't think like that anymore. So I'll just try to make the most of the situation. I can't do much, but as long as I do my best, I'm sure I can make him happy in one way or another. I quite literally owe him my life, but more than that, I just want him to be happy.

I get to the kitchen, and to my surprise, and dismay, Todoroki was standing there going through the fridge, probably looking for something to eat. The anger and fear from the last time we talked alone swells up inside me again. His words from before peirce through my heart. "You were made to hurt people and yet, you selfishly stay with Bakugo because you feel pleasure when you're with him, even when he hurts himself. He should know it's only a matter of time before you snap."

I did snap, if I hadn't have come back then, Kacchan would have let himself die. I know it's selfish to stay with him. But really, I don't want to die. I want to stay in this world and leave this small town. I want to see the beautiful things that exist outside of the walls I've been surrounded by my whole life. And I want to be a hero. And save people, any people, including villains. I think... some villains might need saving too. Everyone deserves a chance at happiness, and I want to be a hero that gives that chance to anyone.

And I want... to stay with Kacchan. I've always wanted to. Before it was to make up with him, and be his friend again. But now that I have, I just want to protect him and make him happy. To feel his warm hugs. To feel safe. I want to be happy. With him.

Of course, if that costs Kacchan's life, I'll drop dead, here and now. But for now, I'll stay. He thinks he can fix me. Or, it's more like he is desperate to try. And he said... his life isn't worth living without me.

I feel tears welling up in my eyes. To think Kacchan would ever say such a thing to me... I still can't believe it. It didn't sound like he was lying either.

I walk past Todoroki, paying him no attention. I ignore his startled expression, as I reach past him in the fridge for the eggs.

"Oh, h-hello Midoriya.." I don't respond. I just find a small skillet and place it on the stove, turning on the flames underneath. He steps back awkwardly, holding onto the apple he grabed.

I open the carton of eggs, and grab one. I haven't actually cooked anything in so long, I think I forgot how. I crack the egg on the counter next to the stove with a little too much force. The egg splattered all over the counter under my palm. I lift my hand slowly, a long string of slimy raw egg with small eggshell bits attached follows.

I casually rinse my hand off in the sink. And grab a fresh egg. I try again. Very carefully cracking the egg on the counter, this time on the corner. The corner of the counter goes straight through the egg, now splattering on the floor. I sigh, and grab another egg, not bothering to rinse my hand off.

Okay. I've got this. This egg is not going to beat me! Finally, I crack the egg properly, and drop it into the pan. But I think I did something wrong... there's a lot of eggshells in the pan. I attempt to scoop out the shell bits with one of the shell halves, but I just can't seem to get it... ah! There we go. Annnddd, there's no egg left.

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