Chapter 44- Focus

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⚠️ technically self harm warning
⚠️ possible gore warning

Deku's POV
Kacchan, come back! The hunger nearly makes me scream. I topple over with a loud thud when I hit the floor. I cross my arms, and digging my nails deep into my skin, forcing my body to focus on something besides how hungry I feel. I don't know what to do. I thought I could just sneak out after it got dark, but by the time it did, I was way to hungry to leave without hurting anyone. Now I'm stuck here.

I need him...

I need Kacchan's blood...

I stand unsteadily, and hobble over to my desk, slumping down into the chair.

His scent, which was hanging heavily in air, finally starts to dissipate. I know I can't stay in here forever, but there's nothing else I can do right now.

I can go see Kacchan...

He'll help me...

Well, obviously I can't do that. I just need to calm down, and focus. But I've been concentrating for so long... I think my mentality is changing. I need some source of food. Something, anything. Maybe there's something in the freezer downstairs? Even if there was, there's no way I could go down there without being seen. The weekend just started and there are bound to be people hanging out in the common area.

A sharp pain shoots through my stomach, and I double over, griping the desk, and probably leaving a dent in it.

It hurts so bad...

I just want Kacchan...

His blood makes me feel so good...

I wanna feel good...

I want to see Kacchan. But he would make me eat, so I can't. I'm losing grip of my mind. The pain from my nails isn't enough. I need something stronger to focus on.

My eyes dart around my room, looking for anything sharp. I don't have any box cutters, or knives like Kacchan, because we really aren't meant to have them.

Kacchan has everything, and he takes care of me so well...

Another sharp pang if hunger washes over me, beckoning me to find Kacchan.

I feel better when I'm with Kacchan...

I love Kacchan...

My eyes settle on a capped pen in my pen holder. I grab it, and tear the cap off with my teeth, spitting it on the floor. Then, without hesitation, I stab the pen a few centimeters into my right leg. I pull it back out, and let the blood rush out of the open wound.

I sit back in the chair and take a deep breath, focusing on the intense throbing in my leg. The hunger has a way of eating away at my mind along with my body. I can't let it consume me. I won't sacrifice Kacchan for my sake. Think Izuku! Where can I get food? I need help.

Kacchan will help...

Kacchan would help me.

He's so nice...

I wish he was here.

I want Kacchan...

I want-

I bring the pen down on my leg again, this time deeper, making another wound next to the first one.


I pull the pen towards myself, tearing through my skin, and leaving a line of ripped muscle fibers and tendons all the way up my thigh.

"Oww fuck..." My mind is still slipping away from me. I just need to concentrated on the pain, and nothing else. I stare at my leg through blurry eyes. Dark red blood pours out of my cuts, flowing down my leg onto the floor.

Hunger - (Vampire Deku, Bakudeku) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now