Chapter 37- Distraction

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Deku's POV
Kirishima, glances behind me, probably looking for Kacchan.

"Uh, yeah sure." He stands up, immediately towering over me, but his usual intimidating extrovert energy was absent, leaving him shy, and standing a little bit awkwardly.

"Is everything okay, Izu?" Uraraka says, her eyebrows furrowed into a worried frown.

"Yeah! Don't worry, everything's fine now." I reassure her. "I just want to talk to Kirishima really quick." I smile at her. I hope she can't tell that it's fake.

I start walking away, and Kirishima follows.

"Can we talk in your room?" I ask a little awkwardly.

"Y-yeah, sure." I don't really talk to Kirishima much, and this is the first time I've ever asked to talk to him alone, I feel a little weird inviting myself into his room, but I really don't feel like showing him all of my All Might posters right now.

We enter his room, it's a whole lot cleaner than mine. Everything was organized on the outer walls of his room, his bed against the back wall by the window, and a punching bag in the middle of the room, taking up most of the space.

"Oh, sorry, hold on." He heaves the contraption into the air, and over to an empty corner.

"It's okay. I'm sorry about the sudden intrusion." I say, scratching the back of my head.

"Nah, any time man! What do ya need?" He plops down in the middle of the now clear floor, inviting me to sit along with him. I do, crossing my legs, sitting maybe more seriously than I intended.

"Kirishima, are you... are you okay?" I ask. He freezes for a second, clearly surprised by my question.

"Am I okay? Y-yeah of course I am man, I should be asking if you're alright." He laughed.

"Todoroki said some terrible things to you too. I'm really sorry he said all that, he wouldn't have done it if he wasn't so mad at me."

"Oh... thanks but it's alright. I mean, it's not like it's your fault, and none of what he said was true, so it doesn't really matter right? Haha." He glances to the side.

"Still. Even if it was complete nonsense, that doesn't mean it didn't hurt right?" He flinched. "I'm sorry Kacchan was so... um focused on me. He should have made sure you were okay too. He just gets-"

"Really, it's fine man." He tries to smile, but gives up halfway through. "As long as you're doing alright, then Bakubro's happy. So I'm fine." I frown at his response.

"...I know Todoroki was saying a lot of bad things... I know it hurt. Really, it hurt me too. But it hurts worse when you feel like part of what he said was true." I say, and he looks to the floor. "Kirishima... do you like-"

"He's a really great guy you know?" He asks rhetorically, still looking at the floor, so he couldn't even see me if I had nodded. My frown stretches farther down my face. "He seems like he doesn't care about much, but when he finds something to pour all of his heart into," he looks into my eyes, a sad smile on his face, "he never thinks of anything else besides that. He doesn't have anything left to give to anyone else. I really admire that."


"Honestly, I'm glad we're still friends now. Everyone else is surprised that I've managed to stay close to him, but I'm not. I always knew we would be great friends. I guess I'm too stubborn to leave." He smiles a real smile now.

"I'm... I'm sorry Kirishima."

"Why are you apologizing? It's no big deal really. As long as he's happy, and I get to stay his best bro, there's not much else I could ask for!" I try to smile at him. "Thanks for worrying about me man, but I promise, I'm just fine. I never expected anything from him in the first place. So don't worry anymore, alright?" I manage a nod.

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