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"We were so worried that you guys were late.... we were more worried when tae you didn't answer the call.... then as we were going to go you guys came" jin said putting a slice of cake on the plate, sitting on the couch. At that time all of them were there eating the cake jennie made specially for her boyfriend's birthday.

"But when we were so worried sick about them they were having the time on their life in the rain.... I am sure at that time they had forget there are people who are waiting for them.... and I wanted to learn what is jisoo's secret.... if there is something tae don't want to do she is making him to do it.... non of knows how she is doing it" jimin said which made both jisoo and taehyung embarrassed.





Next day. When the three jin, taehyung and jisoo came home after the school yoona was making the lunch. So the three also went and freshen up first. They all knew yoona will wait for them. As the three sit yoona also sit with them start to eat.

"Tae.... your father call today.... he said he tried to call you and but your phone was switched off" yoona said looking at taehyung.

"Yaa.... last night something happened to the phone and now it is okay" taehyung said after looking at jisoo from a corner of his eyes. Jisoo was not slloweing the food that she put in her mouth as she waited for taehyung answer. As taehyung said that jisoo smiled and again continued to eat.

"Oh I almost forgot.... aunty look at this" jin said and start to play his phone. From his action they knew jin was scorching for something. As he found what he was scorching he quickly give the phone to yoona. At that time taehyung and jisoo was looking at jin not knowing what is happening.

When yoona saw what it was her eyes got widen and smile foamed on her lips. From the way she was looking at it, it shows yoona was not believing what she is seeing. From the changes that came to his mother taehyung kind of knew what it was. To make it sure he politely took the phone from his mother and look at it.

He saw a photo of him and jisoo in the rain last night. But who had taken this photo and how does it reach jin.

"How did you got this" taehyung said. At that time jisoo took the phone from taehyung. She also wanted to see what everyone was looking that much. When jisoo saw the photo her eyes also got widen. She then look up from the phone and look at yoona. At that time there was a smile on yoona's face.

"Do you know backhyun who works at dad's office.... the guy we met at last year anniversary party.... remember him.... last night he was at that cafe.... today at the break time I went out and met him.... because he knew it was you he told me about that.... so I ask him to send me the photo to show it to aunty" jin said and smiled.

"Thank you so much jin that you bring that photo to show it me.... you have to send it to me also.... oh my God I am so happy right now" yoona said.

"Mom" taehyung called as yoona said that. Taehyung was really embarrassed. When they saw how embarrassed taehyung was they all started to laugh.

"I really want to know what you are to taehyung, jisoo.... but still thanks for doing all these things" yoona said and jisoo stops laughing. She open her mouth to say something but close it as no word came to her tongue. Taehyung look down to control his laughter when he saw what happen to jisoo.

"Ok.... did you three start to study.... the exams are near right.... so all of you have to study.... jin you dad also called and told me to tell you to study well and if you don't study then take your phone and ground you.... I think your father have even told you that they will take more time in Japan" yoona said and questioned jin.

"Yes.... every day when I call they tell me they will come late.... I think mom and dad don't want to come as I disturb them a lot" Jim said and again they all laugh

"Oh and I almost forgot.... tae.... tomorrow sehun will come" yoona said. And from the way yoona said that also jisoo new this sehun is an important person. But jisoo find it kind of weird when yoona said it really happily about there was no happiness on taehyung's face. Taehyung had his usual blank expression.

"Who is sehun" jisoo ask as she really wanted to know who sehun is.

"He is jinyoung's younger brother" Jim answered.

"Yes he is.... jinyoung and sehun are brothers.... they both are sons of a person who worked at this house.... I found her when she was all alone as her husband left her.... that's why I bought her to this house.... at that time jinyoung was two years old and sehun was not born.... at that time I don't have a child.... that why I always take care of jinyoung.... because of that jinyoung will love me a lot.... and then a day after sehun's birth she passed away.... but before that she ask me to care of her sons.... at time also I love the both as my own child.... from that day on wards I am taking care of them as my own children.... I love them that much.... and taemin also loves them a lot.... we never had a difference between them and irene and taehyung.... on the other hand jinyoung and irene fell in love and we were so happy and gave them our blessing.... and now sehun is taking care of the business as taehyung is still studying" yoona said. Jisoo was listening to all that as she never knew the past before. And now as she knew she wanted to see sehun.

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So sehun. Hehe. Sehun is here and it is a sign that story is going to finish. But as I am going to put this story in a two book the second book will start as soon as the first book is finished.

To be continue

Hope you all will like this part

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