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Jisoo lay in the bed and made her self comfortable. She close her eyes to sleep but as she close her eyes she imagined a scary face. The scary stories jimin said came to her mind. Jisoo open her eyes sit on the bed she she shouted a little.

Taehyung who was concentrating on the game he was playing widen his eyes when he heard jisoo shouting. He jumped up from the couch and ran to the room jisoo was sleeping. As he enter he saw jisoo who was sitting on the bed putting her hand on her heart. At that time there was even a bit of sweat on her face.

Even though taehyung don't know what happen to jisoo, he quickly tries to calm jisoo down. He put some water in a glass and gave it to jisoo. Jisoo quickly drank the water and taehyung put the empty glass on the table. He then sit near jisoo and put her head on his chest and sit like that till jisoo calm down.

"Just take a deep breath and think about something funny.... like that you can sleep well.... good night" taehyung said moving away from jisoo as he caressed her hair. He then get up from the bed to go out of the room. But the step he took forward stops when jisoo hold on to his hand.

"Taehyung.... ummm.... can you wait here till I sleep" jisoo said looking down. When jisoo said like that taehyung's don't want to leave jisoo alone go. So he came and sit on the bed next to jisoo.

As taehyung sit next to her jisoo again lay down and close her eyes to sleep. Taehyung who was looking at jisoo noticed that jisoo was going scared in her sleep. But he don't know what do. But he wanted to sit there till jisoo fell in to a deep sleep.

Taehyung who was resting his head on head bored look at jisoo when jisoo look at his side on her sleep. When taehyung look he saw that half of the blanket jisoo was wearing was off the bed. So he move to correct that. At that time he now laying next to jisoo. So he wanted to quickly correct it go out of the room. But taehyung got shocked when jisoo hugged him in her sleep. Taehyung felt that his breath got stoped.

With crazily beating heart taehyung tries to take jisoo hand off of him. But at that time jisoo put her head on his chest. This time for sure him breath stops. He find it difficult to control his self because of this.

Taehyung was there not knowing even how to move because of the shock he got. At that time he knew jisoo was not scared anymore and had a small smile on her face. So taehyung control his self and wanted wait till jisoo's get into a deep sleep. But at last taehyung also fell in to a sleep.

Jennie and chaeyoung who enterd the room to sleep got shocked when they saw taehyung and jisoo slepping peacefully inside each other's arm. On the next second they went out and came back in with jin and jimin. When jimin and jin also saw that they find it funny.  They tried their best to control there laughter or else they both might wake up. The two who always fight with each other's also ended up sleeping inside each other's arm.

Jin call taehyung only after taking photo of them to their heart contant. As jin call taehyung, he jump up from the bed like he was hit by fire. The four stared to laugh seeing what happened to taehyung. But taehyung quickly put his pointing near his lips asking them to be silent. He then look at sleeping jisoo for one more time and walk out of the room. The otheres also followed taehyung.

After getting out taehyung told them what happened and ask them not to tell jisoo any of this. When the another four heard taehyung they all knew how much taehyung cared about jisoo. Not only that but they also knew the pure love in taehyung's heart just for jisoo.

When jisoo get up on the morning jennie and chaeyoung was sleeping with her. She didn't work them up and went to the bathroom to get freshen. After getting out of the bath room she work jennie and chaeyoung up as he made her way to the kitchen to make a coffee for herself. At that time she missed yoona a lot.

With the coffee on her hand she went to the beach. At that time she saw a beautiful picture of nature of the orange sky. Jisoo waited at the shore. She boom her shoes off and the waves comes and goes after kissing her leg making her smile at the feeling. When she is finally finish drinking the coffee she put the mug near her shoes and started to ran on the beach like a small kid collecting shells from the beach.

At that time taehyung was at the window looking at this perfect scene as a smile was on his lips. Taehyung was there watching jisoo from the moment she went out of the house. For hours also taehyung can stay still looking at jisoo with out getting bored.

"Tae.... what are you looking at" jin ask standing next to taehyung. Taehyung moved to a side to show jin what he was looking. When jin also jisoo like taehyung a smile foam on his face too.

"Sooyaa is really unique right" jin ask looking still looking at jisoo and taehyung nodded agreeing to jin while he was also looking at jisoo.

"Do you know why you like sooyaa this much.... that's because of the childish side of jisoo.... you love her because she is so much different from other girls.... so many girls beg for your love but nothing happened to your heart but after jisoo comes you started love her so fast.... it's because she is unique.... she is so unique comparing to other girls.... I am so lucky to have jisoo as my cousin" jin talk as the matured person he is with a smile on his lips. Taehyung smile also got bigger when he heard jin.

1056 words

To be continue

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