Chapter 88

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It was the rapid sounds of cars approaching the gate that ruined the precious memory you two were creating. There wasn't time for a heartwarming family moment, you were just starting the frantic run for your life. Looking up, Mono took notice of the approaching cars but offered a look as to say there was nothing to fear. "You're going to get in the car with Jin, and you're going to get as far from here as possible." Releasing you from his hold he took a step back. "I'm going to throw R off our trail and I'll meet back up with you both in a few days. I promise, that I will come back for you. You've just got to trust me."

The approaching cars came to a stop, blocking off the gate completely. You could hear engines die and doors open. You didn't have to look back to know there was at least a fleet of cars and people in them waiting behind you. Swallowing your empty throat you pointed your chin up and looked to Seokjin. "What makes you think you're able to protect me?" There was no kindness in your words, no benefit of the doubt. If you were going to put your life in his hands, you wanted to know if he was certain in his ability to keep you and your unborn child alive. 

"Because you are my friend, Y/N." Hesitation wasn't even a word in his vocabulary. He always knew what to say and when to say it. There was no need to beat around the bush when you were as confident as that man. Though confidence could be a dangerous thing. "And because if there's one thing I hate, that's a man who can't control his anger when standing before a woman." Shuffling his hands into his pockets to released a low sigh. "Despite how 'sexist' you want to think that sounds. Call me old fashion." Jin cocked his head back quickly and focused locked his eyes on the commotion behind you.

Turning to the side you looked to see what all the fuss was about. The long narrow driveway was lined with car after car and each one contained no less than four people. A sizable crowd of people standing behind you with anxious and murderous eyes. Blood lust hung in the air like a winter mist. You wondered exactly how long everyone had been planning this. All of this from one positive pregnancy test.

"Kitten." Seokjin brought your attention back to him as he placed a calming hand on your shoulder. "As long as I breathe, nothing will bad will befall you, your brother, or that child." Your eyes wandered from him, blinking quickly as you refused to let the water pool in your eyes. "All you have to do is get in the car."

Taking a step back you let Jin's hand fall from you. Your hands slapped against your cheeks as you covered your eyes, trying to rub them clean as you processed all that was happening. You woke up this morning with barely enough strength to leave your room and now you were going to be running for your life and the life of a child you only knew existed for two days. What of Jungkook? What would befall him for what he had done? Would Mono survive this? Would leaving with Seokjin just be another mistake? What fresh hell would befall you should R find out you're carrying a child?

Tossing your hands down at your side you stood back up straight. You gave the sizable crowd a quick once over before settling on your brother. He was standing near a gentleman that handed him your purse from the car. Mono turned to you and offered up your bag. Reaching out you took the strap in your hand and pulled the clutch bag closer.

"This is the freedom you've been wanting." Mono's head fell to the side as his lips pulled thin with another compassionate smile, an emotion you never expected to see from your brother again. "I'm just sorry it took me so long to set you free."

Your lips pinched together and you simply nodded in response. Formulating words was like trying to do algebra in a war zone. Realistically you knew the chances of R finding him before he could make it back to you. You knew he was trying to take as much of the heat as he could in attempts to give you a clean escape. "I expect updates every five hours until you find me again." Stepping out you closed the distance between your brother and yourself. "And if you die on me, I'll never forgive you..."

"Understood." Mono nodded as his smile grew a bit bigger. What was the point of pretending you didn't love your brother? He was the biggest pain in the ass you had ever come in contact with, he drove you insane and made you murderous. That didn't stop the fact that he was the only family you had, the only one left who was willing to go so far for you and even risk his life. You hated him, but you only hated that you loved him.

Jumping forward you wrapped your arms around Mono and squeezed him as tightly as you could manage. His arms wrapping around your waist as he held the embrace for a few seconds too long. His shitty cologne burning your watery eyes as you buried your face in his shoulder. If he made it out of this alive, you'd buy him a better scent for Christmas.

It was hard to let him go, to accept the risk he was taking all for you. You'd prefer to stay and fight with him even if that meant you didn't make it out alive either. Things were different though, you were making choices for so much more than yourself. Unsure if you'd even want to carry this child to term, but until you were certain you had to protect it. Ripping yourself from your brother's arms your eyes stayed on the ground. You couldn't look back, you'd change your mind. You made a B-line to the passenger side of Jin's car and without a word opened the door and hopped inside.

There they were again, the tears. Inwardly you blamed your hormones, pregnancy made everything feel thing more strongly - right? You weren't weak, but this baby was making you weak. Placing your palm over your stomach you covered your tears with your other hand. You heard the click of the driver's door as Jin got in beside you.

"Put your seatbelt on, Kitten." Jin's sultry voice broke the silence he reached over the center console and placed his large palm gentle on your thigh. "It's gonna be a long drive." He gave your thigh a firm but comforting squeeze in reassurance before letting his hand move to the gear shift and toss the car into drive. Ringing your eyes dry you reached for your seat belt and clicked it into place. You watched as Jin drove around the sea of cars and people. Mono's eyes never stopped watching you, even after you had begun to drive off. Looking out of the back window you could see him following you with his gaze until you had finally disappeared from his view.

Nothing would ever be the same after today. You could never go back to how you were. That confident and hellish woman died that day she entered the R.M organization, that person you were there was never you. Not really. Nor was the person you were now anywhere near close to who you were back then. You had to rewrite your life and wipe the slate clean. You had a life outside your own that you were responsible for, whether you kept the child in the end or not. You had to worry about your own life first, thus protecting the child, everyone else came last.

This was the start of the freedom you had begged for, just not nearly in the fashion you figured you'd get it. You were never as alone as you thought you were, despite the raging bitch act you brandished so very well. You had formed bonds that people felt were worth fighting for. It was them that had granted you your freedom. For once you didn't have to struggle on your own anymore. Should the child live long enough to understand, you'll make sure they know exactly who saved their little life. Three unexpected, but remarkable men.

"I'm..." Your cracked voice forced its way up to your throat. "I'm gonna be a mother..." Maybe you already decided, you couldn't give up this child when so many were putting their life on the line to protect it. Tears unapologetically falling as you turned your sight to Jin. "I'm..." leaning your head back against the headrest you looked up to the roof of the car, water streaming from your eyes and racing down your cheeks. Choking back your words you tried to admit aloud. "... scared." 

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