Chapter 44

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Finishing your food you left the dining room after reluctantly helping clean up. The dreaded time was almost near and you really didn't want to know who it was you were going to find sitting in the living room waiting for the assignment.

As the clock struck 11, you strolled into the living room as for a moment you kept your eyes to the floor. You knew you were going to have to see at least one person you dreaded tonight, and that was confirmed as R's radiating deep voice began to address the room.

"Great. Everyone is here." He called out simply from the middle of the living space.

Your eyes rolled up to find the source of the demonic voice and finally take the dreaded look around the room to see who was all accompanying you on this assignment.

One... Mono. Two... Jungkook. Oh fuck no. Your eyes went wide as you locked your gaze on Jimin's dreadful figure. That bushy blonde hair clouding his dark eyes. Jimin was seated calmly on the couch next to a man nearly his own size. Though you didn't know who that man was, or even what he looked like. The man was wearing a jacket with the hood pulled up shaddowing his eyes. Though you didn't pay him as much attention as you did Jimin.

You could feel the nerves in your body run taunt. Your bones rattling with rage and tension. Your breathing became erratic and deep. Clenching your fists beside you, you fought back the urge to walk from the room and say fuck the assignment and the pay. 

You began to zone out from reality as you questioned exactly what personality was sitting before you? Was it Jimin? Was it Taewon? Maybe it was that other one that you couldn't fucking remember the name of. One way or another, you wanted nothing to do with it.

R was demented but Jimin was demonic. Being in the same room with either of them caused your skin to crawl in a way that was inhuman. At least when it came to R, you could expect that he likely wouldn't assault you in a group - at least he had yet to do that - while Jimin, on the other hand, looked like he had no issue with slicing your throat in front of an audience.

"Y/N." A stern voice brought you back to reality and your head snapped toward the sound. Coming eye to eye with R as he stared you down. "Are you listening?" He asked so casually.

Unclenching your arms you quickly folded them at your chest as you began to shake your head back and forth, sending your electric blue locks swaying about as you boldly told him no.

"Look, I kn--"

"No. You fucking don't 'know'!" You quickly interrupted. The volume of your voice hiked up due to your taunt nerves. "There's no way in hell I'm going on an assignment with that thin--!!"

"Watch your mouth." The hooded man quickly spoke up, raising his voice just enough to interrupt you without yelling, somehow. His voice just radiated a sense of power, a sense of intimidation that was different than the rest in the room. The voice was void of emotion and lacked a tone that was readable. Your eyes snapped to the man, glaring at that clocked face. Who was he to speak to you like that?!

"Y/N, You're only on this assignment as possible back up and internal research." R quickly interjected before you had the chance to pop off to the strange man. "This is a 'berserk' assignment. Your skill sets aren't needed."

"Then I don't need to fucking go!!" You quickly barked back. Jungkook quickly jumped to his feet, causing your gaze to skyrocket in his direction. R quickly raised his hand in Jungkook's direction and held his palm up in his direction to stop him in his moments before he could take a single step forward. He did all this without even looking in his direction. R's eyes never left your face.

"Yes. You do." He said as he slowly lowered his hand back down to his side. "If you want to gain any type of status within this orginzation you will go." R turned his attention on you as his body twisted to face you completely. He ignored the rest of the room as his eyes ravaged your body with deathly glares that made you want to rip your own skin off. 

"The fuck does me working with him have anything to do with my status in this place?" You tossed your hands up in your frustration before slapping them back down against your jeans as you huffed air from your nose like an angry bull. 

"Are you questioning me?" R took a single step forward. Those long legs carrying him much closer, close enough to cause the sizable distance that once separated you seem like nothing more than a block of air. The air between you two burned it seething rage. 

Mono was quick to follow those footsteps as he lunged forward, taking a place beside you though his body was angled as he prepared to insert himself between his sister and his boss. Admittedly your eyes averted toward Mono in both such and disgust that someone was attempting to protect you - if that was what he was even doing or if it was all just show of the other boys. 

Jungkook jumped to his feet as he rushed to the center of the room was the crowd was starting to form. Unlike Mono, he did insert himself between you and R as he held his arms up in a soft sense of defense against the both of you. You took in a sharp breath and stepped back from Jungkook's raised hand. R didn't move a single inch, nor did his eyes ever leave your face. 

You could hear hissing as a large gust of wind entered Mono's lungs, the distortion in his face fading as he took in that breath. He closed his eyes for a moment before turning those dark hues on you. His brows were dipped down, that apologetic look of his that lacked any sense of real remorse. His shoulders slumped and his head tilted lazily to the side. 

"Look, We's just need you there as an extra pair of eyes." Mono said as his tactical position in the group shifted from being on your side to being against you as he tried to sway you into what R wanted. "You's get to just stand there and look pretty. It's a quick buck for doin' nuttin'." He shrugged his arms out wide before letting them fall at his sizes. "Make a quick buck." 

Your brows dipped down in irritation as you glared at your brother. You began to take a quick survey of the room. R's eyes still bearing down on you. Jimin sat on the couch by the cloaked figure with an emotionless face, the man beside him unmoving. Your eyes rested on Jungkook last. There was a sense of desperation in those brown-sugar eyes that silently begged you to go along with the assignment. You could have sworn you saw his lips flick in the motion of 'Please' as he tried to silently convey his thoughts. 

"Fine!" You finally yelped after a long silence. An exasperated sigh leaving your lips soon after. "But, if I'm just an onlooker then don't bore me with the fucking details." Turning you faced away from the group as you threw one hand in the air in beckoning away motion as you began to head for the entrance. "I'll be outside." 

You stomped your feet on the way to the exit, hearing no objection from the peanut gallery as you moved to remove yourself from the equation. As you neared the door you noticed Mono's jacket hanging on a nearby rack. You made a quick pit stop to check the pockets for a pack of cigarettes and much to your glee, you found the cancerous sticks paired with a lighter. Stealing from the jacket you headed outside with a sizable slam of the door behind you. It was going to be a long night. 

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