Chapter 52

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With shaky hands, you hung up the phone and took in a staggering breath. You shoved the phone into your back pocket and moved your trembling fingers to the gun in your waistband. You didn't believe you could actually do what R suggested but, it was your only hope right now. Any minute he was going to bust that window and come for you full force unless you acted first. There was only one way to save yourself, to save the assignment... You'd do what needed to be done.

Marching toward the door you pinched the lock and quickly twisted it, releasing the bolt as the office became accessible. Before he could come rushing back to throw you off your guard and take control of the situation. You ripped open the door, nearly having to throw yourself out of it to get your feet to move from their spot in safety but you managed.

You stomped onto the floor as you emerged from the safety of the office room. Your eyes glided across the room, noticing the man Jimin had once had in his grasp now crawling across the floor in a terror-filled attempt to escape. Next, your eyes landed on Jimin, who had heard the click of the office door opening and quickly brought his attention back to you.

"What the fuck is this?!" You questioned as you sprawled out your arms wide, gun in hand. Your words throwing Jimin off as his head cocked back slightly, questioning what it was you meant. "Have you really gotten this sloppy?" You asked as your arms fell back to your side.

You had to throw your fear out the window and solidify yourself in attempts to shift the reins of control. You marched forward, heading toward Jimin with a confident stride that contradicted your inner turmoil. Your nerves were taunt and your heartbeat erratic but you couldn't let it show.

"Have you really gotten so careless?" You questioned, stopping in the middle of the chaotic mess that he had made. You pointed your gun toward one of the boxes that you had assumed he tossed about in his search. "You know you've left behind all the evidence in the world that you'll get you convicted and committed right back into an insane asylum, don't you?"

"Excuse me?" He hissed as his head tilted to the side. His eyes narrowed as his gaze zoned right in on you. His stare made your blood run cold. Despite his chaos, his attire remained clean and kept. His hair swooped to one side, elegantly parted. His white shirt taunt and tucked into his slacks. A stark difference from the man you saw buried into his hoodie in the car.

"You fucking heard me." You stated as your eyes flashed back to him. "How careless you've gotten. You want the entire mission to fail just because of your laziness?" You moved your foot to the box used in your example and gave it a rough kick. "You've left a mess that I'll be forced to clean up due to your careless foolery." You scuffed under your breath. "And people say you're one of the best." Your head shook about as your blue locks followed your sway. "Pathetic."

You could see Jimin's jaw clenching and his finger at his sides twitching, itching to tear you to pieces. The sight put you on edge but you buried down your terror, you had to. Jimin shifted in his stance and moved to take a single step forward, stalking closer to you. You had to throw him off, keep him guess and not let him believe he had the upper hand. Before he could get any closer you stepped to the side and made a B-line for the witness that was still breathing.

Your movement caused Jimin to freeze. Marching toward the man, you tossed one leg on either side of his body and used your free hand to yank him up to his knees by his hair. He hollered in both pain and fear as you yanked him around as if he were a doll. You twisted your fingers in his hair, making his head turn toward the right, gaze directed right at your 'partner in crime'.

"Look at him!" You shouted, a demand directed at both of the men in the room. "He's seen your fucking face, Minsu! How are you just going to let him live?!" The man began to thrash about, trying to worm his way out of your grasp and given your height and weight disadvantage you know he had a good chance.

Raising your right leg you brought the heal of your boot down on the man's calf and applied a great amount of pressure. Your pointed heal dug deep into his muscle, nearly tearing the fabric of his pants along with his skin. He screamed. Raising your right hand you brought your pistoled palm to his head, digging the barrel of the gun into his temple as you hissed. "Shut up."

"Well, Minsu?!" You questioned after your brief demand to the hostage. "Do you have an excuse for your laziness or should I just put a pair of matching bullets in both you and this man?" You questioned violently, your words hissing from your painted lips as your nail scratched against the trigger of the gun.

This 'game' was one big bluff. You were playing the hand you were dealt with, the best poker-face imaginable and the prize for the losing hand was death. Your eyes were bloodshot, refusing to blink in your forced rage out of fear that if you did close your eyes, you'd lose. The fruits of your labors were starting to take root, slowly but surely you could see Jimin's dismay.

Jimin brought his hand to his hair, at first calmly he slicked back his locks, though mid-stride his hand stopped. He balled his fist and tangled his bleach blonde locks in his fingers, dripping at his hair in rage. His straightened posture began to falter, his shoulders slacked and his knees bent slightly. He was on the verge, but of what you weren't sure.

"Why don't you send out someone more capable of getting the job done, Minsu?!" The volume of your voice was starting to scratch at your throat. Silently you hoped Jungkook would come rushing onto the 8th floor at any minute and save this situation, but you couldn't rely on that.

"Please, Please!! Just... let me go..." The man below you began to beg. It was natural to beg in that kind of situation. You didn't blame him for being so fucking annoying, but still, his commentary was just that - annoying you.

Raising your hand you brought the gun from his head and in that split second, you heard him sigh of relief before the brunt of the gun met the back of his head with such force it knocked him unconscious. You released his hair and let his body fall to the ground. At least now he was quiet.

Your eyes darted up to Jimin, his head hung low. Both of his hands braced his head as his distorted body shoot. He was crumbling. A sane person perhaps would feel pity to him, want to end the suffering and help him but, he was a monster of the organization. An abomination that you didn't understand how he even mattered to the mission in any aspect, you were incapable of offering up pitty.

"Pathetic!!" You screamed toward Minsu. "Careless!" You added in rapid-fire. "Weak!!" Raising your gun you pointed it toward Jimin, who still wouldn't look you in the eye. "A burden to the mission!!" You lined up your shot, staring down the viewpoint of that barrel and could see his now ruffled blonde locks clearly in view. "Breaking common fucking rules!!" Your hand shook as your mind raced. You clenched your jaw and tried to restrain yourself.

You were attempting to scare him now, but part of you wanted to pull the trigger and get rid of the nonsense. It was as if this were some type of rage-therapy that you may not be able to calm down from before it got to far. R would surely kill you if you murdered Jimin now, you knew you couldn't escape his wrath and Jungkook? Damn it.

Slightly misaligning your shot you aimed for the open-air right behind Jimin and let your rage finish the action and squeeze the trigger. A boom rattled throughout the 8th floor and at that moment, Jimin quickly dropped to the floor. Admittedly, your eyes went wide and time seemed to freeze... Did you accidentally shoot him in your attempts to miss him?!

Your heart dropped to your feet... You had just signed your death warrant.

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