Chapter 49

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You felt the floor rattle as something struck the wall just beside the staircase that you and Jungkook were attempting to escape from. The cracking sound that followed instantly was one that was all too familiar, a bullet. More importantly, a bullet being fired in your direction with the intent of striking you or possibly Jungkook. You didn't have time to look back and gauge who the deranged lunatic was shooting at. Though even your track record with the other people in the organization, it was a strong possibility that bullet was intended for you.

You hit the top of the stairs, Jungkook's grip still mindfully and painfully apparent as he took a hard left down the nearest hall and tried to put as much distance between the two of you and whatever shit show was going down in the lobby. The short sounding alarm and subsequent loss of power began to make people leave the confines of their office, the gunshots quickly sending the remaining occupants inside the building into a frenzy.

People began to run, not sure where the sounds were coming from or what way they should go. Most were headed the opposite way in which the two of you ran. Jungkook pushed through the sea of bodies that were starting to form like a football player heading for a touch town. The situation, however, wouldn't be met with applause.

Your lungs burned with heavy breaths as you tried to keep up with Jungkook's long-legged stride. Your eyes focused only on those chocolate locks as you rushed behind him with every bit of strength you had. He didn't stop, not until he finally found the flight of stairs that lead up. His boots screeched against the tile floor as you almost went colliding into his back. You panted to catch your breath as you looked to the youngest for a plan.

"Pick a random floor and head to it." Jungkook said as he shook your wrist, forcing your attention up to his eyes that weren't as wide as your own but still radiated with a sense of urgency. Admittedly, your focus was divided between the sea of screaming bodies and his raised words as he fought to be heard.

"What?!" You yelped as you looked to the door the unused stairs concealed. You took a step toward him as the chaos grew thicker. The air in the building felt thin.

"Find a place to lay low and we'll come get you." He instructed, trying to waste no time as he opened the door with his free hand, his gaze rocketing back to you as he waited for you to do what you were told. He should have known it wouldn't be that easy.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" You added, trying to stall as you already saw this plan as a waste of time and a huge risk to not only your safety but everyone else on the assignment. "How will that help anything?!" As you took a glance at the staircase, a stampede of bodies began to barrel down the steps and head toward you.

You jumped forward, trying to avoid the flood of people, affectively jumping right into Jungkook's arms as he grabbed hold of you and stepped back from the crowd. Your breathing staggered and your thoughts a mess.

"I need you to trust me, Y/N!" Jungkook roared above the crowd. His grip moved to your shoulders and tightened, his gaze didn't leave you. How could he remain to collected in this situation when the entire plan had gone to shit? "Just do what I say, I'll come to find you. I promise!"

It was those damned puppy dog eyes again, that pleading look that struck a chord inside you that you absolutely hated at that moment. Why should you trust him? Why should you listen to him? Locally, you should turn tail and get the fuck out of there. Drug and drag Jungkook out with you to keep him out of the madness, but realistically. You knew that wasn't going to happen. And running? Though it was a debate, it wasn't your style.

"There are too many people!" You pointed out as you gestured to the stairs. Body after body began piling from the escape as if it was a cloning machine and there was no end to the copies of black suits, white ties, and platted skirts.

"It's a berserker assignment, Y/N!" He reminded you as he released your arms and quickly reached behind himself. He pulled out his personal handgun he had tucked into his waist time - a SIG P226 curve back - and handed it toward you. "It doesn't matter who dies."

You took the gun into your hand, instantly wrapping your palm around the hilt as if it was the most instinctive thing to do. You started at the cold, gun-metal grey weapon before shooting your gaze back up to Jungkook. It didn't matter who died? Did that include you? Admittedly, the look on your face gave away your dumbfounded nature. However, Jungkook didn't have time to entertain your admittedly, blonde-witted moments and cater to the aftermath of your tantrum.

Before you could protest any further, he gave your arm one last squeeze before he booked it back down the hall in which you had come, disappearing into the crowd of bodies that all made their way to the lobby where death awaited them. Killing four or five people in a night was standard, but there had to be at least a hundred people in this building - give or take. Were they going to kill them all?

This could very well be mass murder. Your eyes fell back on the weapon, staring at the cool steel in wonder. You had never doubted the idea of killing someone, taking a few lives in a night became commonplace, but now you were left to wonder. Exactly how much insanity could you take? This was the kind of thing that broke soldiers in war, now they were asking a woman barely in her twenties to shoot first and ask questions later.

This was R's effect. The chaos of his unknown mission. There was no backing out of it, no running away from it. You could blame your choices on everyone else but ultimately, it was you who pulled the trigger. Circumstances out of your control may have lead you to R's doorstep but it was you who opted to do his bidding in attempts to further your reputation and fluff your bank account. Lying to those around you, saying you were helpless and you had no choice, which those words had meaning, but they didn't have the facts. Imprisonment lead you to these moments, but it was greed that rooted you and kept you going...

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