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Mattia pov.

6 months later.

M= Please! it would be amazing"

E= I don't like party's" 

El= Come on, we can do it in the backyard and downstairs and lock all the rooms"  Elisa said while grabbing Elem's hand.

E= Idk, I don't even have friends only you guys''

A= it doesn't matter it would be fun, we can invite other people"

E= Fine"  Elem said rolling her eyes.

They all started talking about the party and what they should do and the girls were talking about what they were gonna wear.

El= are we gonna hung out today?"  Elisa asked Elem.

E= idk,  I am trying to have some sleep"  Elem said while smiling.

El= Yeah, I guess you haven't get any sleep"

E= Yeah,  I haven't get more then 5 hours of sleep"

El= I guess the dick keeps you awake" 

Elisa said making Elem cheeks heat up and they all laugh at her while she hide her face on my chest.

E= Stop!"  Elem said while pushing Elisa's hand away from her.

M= leave her alone"  I said pulling her to my lap.

A= Awww, she looks so small"

El= She is small" 

E= Stop you guys bully me for anything"  Elem said while sticking her tongue out.

El= Lets go to the mall today, tomorrow is friday and we have to buy our outfits" 

E= Okey"  


Elem pov.


I look at myself one last time before walking out of the dress rooms.

U= How about this one?"  I asked Mattia while standing in front of him.

He put his phone on his lap and look up to me before smiling.

M= Its looks so freaking good on you but but there is gonna be more people there"

U= So what? I like it, it makes me look skinnier,  did I told you that I have gaining a lot of weight? I have rolls now"  I said while gripping my rolls.

M= No you haven't, you look the same, my same fucking sexy cute princess" Mattia smirk before pulling me to him.

U= Stop, you know your lying"   I said while sitting on his lap.

M= No I am not princess, you look the same way you looked when we started dating"

U= My doctor said it was maybe because I am eating more or maybe because we have been having sex all the time, we don't even have sleep anymore''

M= but you like it right?" Mattia asked me and I nod while getting up.

U= anyways, you didn't tell me"  I said looking at the dress.

M= I like it, it looks amazing on you"

U= I am gonna get this one"  Mattia nod and I went back in the dressing room.

I take off the dress and put my clothes back on before I payed and we went for food since  Elisa and Ale had already went home.

M= When do you think it would be a good time to start a family?"  Mattia smile.

U= Idk, I don't want to have kids but if I wanted to start a family I would started when I am about 25 or more"

M= Why so old?"

U= What do you mean? Thats a young age, and I would maybe be done with my career" 

M= well yeah but nevermind, I don't want kids until I am 30"

U= Okey"  I whisper before he burst out laughing.

He didn't stop laughing until we got to his house.

M= I am sorry I don't know why I laugh so fucking hard"

U= Its okey, I would see you tomorrow okey?"  He nod and pick my lips multiply times.

M= Bye princess" 

U= Bye amor"  I pick his lips one last time before he got out of the car and walk to his house.

I drive back to my house and clean up before watching some movies and Mattia face time me while playing his game so I was just watching tik toks.

We end up in the shower talking to each other until I was to sleepy and went ot bed.

I was the first one to fall asleep but I didn't mind since I hadn't get any sleep at all.

Mattia made me addict to sex in this 12 months we have been dating- OMG I still remember what we did when it was our anniversary, he was so cute and buy me a lot of stuff.

........... should they have twins? Or just a one baby?

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