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Elem pov

The group came over but Jordan couldn't since he goes to church every Sunday.

A= So what?"  Ale asked Elisa

E= because You can't be dating 3 persons at the same time"

A= yes I can, they don't even realize it"


I roll my eyes and went through my phone until Lisa got here.

U= bye bye" I said while hugging Ale.

A= bye shorty" ale said while patting my head

U= adios! Te voy a extrañar!" I said to Kairi who just started at me.

K= ashios te voyr e estañar". Kairi tried to say while hugging me which made us let out a laugh.

We hug for a good minutes before I gives Mattia a quick hug.

Elisa and Larry said bye to them and we got in the car with Lisa.

We pick up my dad and Arlo before going to the airport, we waited a good freaking hour before we got in our airplane.

E= I already want to get there" Elisa groan while throwing her head back.

U= we are almost there". I said and she sigh.


We had finally got to my grandma's house and almost all our family was there.

We hugged everyone and they met Larry, they were kind of bully him.

My family is just a little bit just a little kind of rude when they joke around with someone. That's a lie, they don't have mercy on anyone.   

Everyone was so excited to meet Arlo and Lisa, but you know there is always gonna be someone ruining the mood.

My aunt didn't like Lisa but lisa tried her best to ignore her.

Me, Elisa and Larry are gonna share my room because some people were working in the others rooms.

L= So What just go?"  Larry said while doing my hair.

U= Idk, my an-''

E= Just go, we don't give a fuck about what people think, your gonna be cute when your belly starts showing"

U= I guess"  I said and sigh.

I did Elisa's nails then larry's while Elisa did Larry's hair.

When we were finish we watch some movies and eat snacks before we all fall asleep.

I wake up at 4 am, hungry. I should had eat dinner but no I was to busy to eat.

I put my bathrobe on and went downstairs and then to the kitchen.

I grab some pineapple and put some in a plate, I grab a glass of water.

I took a sit in the living room and watch a movie.

U= OMG why is he being so mean!!?" I whisper yell to myself.

D=  What the fuck are you doing?"  My dad asked me from the stairs and turn on the lights.

U= His so mean to her wife!!"   I cry while my dad rolls his eyes.

He told me to go back upsairs and thats what I did.

I got in the bed with Larry and Elisa and cuddle up with my big pillow.

It had been so long since I was here, I kind of miss it but I am still thinking why he was so rude to his wife.

I went through my phone until I finally fall asleep, warm.


Mattia pov.


K= What should we do?"  Kairi asked while flopping on my bed.

M= I don't know, its pretty boring since june"

A= Since the girls left?"

K= yeah, we should go play soccer" 

A= No, its to fucking hot outside"  Ale whine.

M= We should go to the public pools" I said and they quickly nod.

K= I am gonna get my clothes"  Kairi said before running out of the room.

A= I am gonna get clothes too" I nod and run out of the room too.

I sigh before getting up from my bed, I put some short to get in the pool and a shirt before putting clean clothes on my bag.

I got everything I needed and walk to my front door, I waited for Kairi and Ale and we picked up Robert before going to the public pool.

We put our stuffs in one of the tables and we immediatly got in the pool.

There were a lot of people here and I got just a little disgust by it so I got out of the pool and took a sit on our spot.

I was going through my phone, scrolling through Insta, I saw Elisa's new post, it was her, larry and Elem.

Elem was riding a horse, damn I wish I was there with her.

I bit my lip while watching her vidoe over and over again.

K= Your a pervert"  Kairi said from behind me.

M= What?"  I asked while putting my phone down and he sits next to me.

K= Its getting boring"  Kairi said while grabbing his phone.

M= It is"

?= Hey, I am Carmen, and this is Kim" 2 girls smile at us before taking a sit in front of us.

M= Mattia, Kairi"  I sai while pointing to me then Kairi.

C= We saw you guys from our table and thought you guyes were really cute"  Carmen smile and wink.

We started talking more until Robert and Ale got out of the pool, we change phone numbers and we left.

When I got home I took a shower, had dinner with my family before getting in bed.

I texted Carmen for a while before I fall asleep.


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