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Elem pov

1 week later

After our little party my dad was gonna make me some food and celebrate for me, everyone was so happy for me and Larry but I was only thinking about the pills.

L= how are you feeling Elem?" Lisa asked me while taking a sip of her drink

U= still nervous about my decision" I whisper while playing with my fingers

L= does Mattia know?" Lisa asked me and I nod

L= your dad is talking to him right now"

U= his here!!?"

L= yeah, your dad invited him"

U= omg" I whisper before walking to the backyard.

I walked to my dad and mattia who were talking in the corner away from everyone.

U= hey! What are you guys talking about?" I said while standing next to my dad.

Mattia's cheeks were a light pink with sweat running down. His forehead and he was playing with his fingers.

D= just talking about men stuff". My dad said and I nod.

U= have you had food?" I asked my dad and he nod

U= how about you?" I asked Mattia and he shake his head

U= I am gonna give him food"

D= okey, I would be here waiting" I nod and walk back inside with Mattia behind me.

I served him food and he took a sit while I go through my phone.

U= you can leave after your done"

M= why?"

U= I don't want you to talk to my dad, his really good at emberrasing me"

M= so what? There is nothing I don't know about you"

U= there is a LOT, so please leave when your finish"

M= fine" I whisper a thank you and went to the backyard.

30 minutes later I went back inside to check and saw mattia sitting in the living room.

U= what the frank are you doing!?"

M= I still have my drink"

U= could you please leave?"

M= if you give me a last kiss" he said while getting up



M= huh!? You fucking little slut!"

U= p-please!"

M= cum on my dick princess"

U= ahmm!!"

M= I love you Elem ....."


U= can you leave now?" I asked while putting my shirt on.

M= yeah, I would see you never again you don't have school anymore, it was a pleasure princess" he smirk before kissing me one last time and leave.

I sigh and sit on my bed, such a hoe that I am, atleast his the only person I have been with.

L= girl what are you doing up here?"

U= just thinking"

L= it smells like sex" Larry said while looking around my room.

U= yeah, I had sex with Mattia"

L= oh where is he?"

U= he left"

L= damn his an asshole"

U= I told him too, I don't want anything to do with him"

L= your gonna have his kid"

U= yeah I am, but he won't know that"

L= omg!!! Your gonna keep it!?"

U= yeah, well I still don't know but I am thinking on keeping her or him"

L= it's gonna be a boy"

U= we still don't know Larry and I still have 42 days to take the pill"

L= girl just have him"

U= you say it because your not gonna have him or her"

L= I would help you"

U= your going to school"

L= so are you"

U= no, I decide to not go, and I would try to do it online"

L= why?"

U= I don't know I think it's gonna be harder when I am pregnant, if I keep it I won't have her or him until January" I said and he nod.

L= lets go back down" we went back downstairs with everyone

.... Guess what the fuck happen to me! I was talking with my boyfriend, ex. now and I saw that he posted something on his story so I click on it and some girl pop up with big letters that said 'Oops all mine' and I was like 'WTF' I responded to his story saying 'okey?' and he left me on Read. the next day I text him again 'so you are just not gonna answer me?' and he was like 'we are over but we can keep the streaks' fucking your fucking streaks!! 7 months to the trash asshole!

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