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Elem pov.

U= I hate him!!"  I yelled while Elisa gives me my coffee.

She is such a good friend that she surprise me and visit me after telling her what Mattia told me.

E= I am embarrass that his my cousin"  Elisa said which made me let out a laugh.

U= His such an asshole"  I said while she took a sip of her coffee.

E= Oops nope this one is mine, it has vodka" Elisa said while changing our coffee's

U= Are you trying to kill my baby or sum?"

E= Nope, I want to meet him, he better be a boy"

U= Girl, it has to be a girl"

Elisa just laughed and we continue talking shit about Mattia.

guys I think I am gonna skipped a little just becuase I don't have ideas.

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